If you’ve decided that TikTok isn’t for you because you’re a lawyer, think again. Tik Tok is not an app “just for kids.” It is a great space to shine for all things branding.
Attorney Elisabeth Pickle, founder of Mindful Counsel, shares how she has used TikTok to attract new clients and generate referrals while being true to herself and her nature.
According to TikTok for Business, it is a space to “unleash your brand's creative side, a fully immersive, no judgment world where there's an audience for every void, no matter how big or small your business…”
Elisabeth discovered that there were many other professionals already on TikTok, and it was a place where she could answer audience questions.
While some of her colleagues wouldn't dream of using TikTok for marketing, Elisabeth has found that it is a way for her to be there for the client. Ultimately, she is here for the people. If TikTok helps her reach people and gets them thinking about estate planning and intellectual property, then that is what she cares about.
What You Will Learn in this Episode
4:24 Why lawyers shouldn’t ignore TikTok
6:52 How Elizabeth created a connection with her audience
15:02 The video production process
16:54 How to get into the right mindset for recording
18:23 Why you need to watch what other creators are doing on TikTok
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