Amanda Jacobson from the delightful, hilarious, spoopy Wine & Crime podcast, and the steamy, titillating, BONKBUSTERY Passages pod, is the LFE third-host o' the week! Seldom do Charles & Quam have the chance to clink glasses on-air with such a kindred spirit-- as fellow "drinking a lot while laughing hysterically into a mic" enthusiasts.
Talking about pod life is just one small part of this G&T sesh, in addition to an infinite number of terrible puns, stories about broken bones on vacation, frozen pizza history 101, and these six topics:
🍟 New fast food creations have become a lot dumber throughout the decades. Invent a new fast food creations that would absolutely kill it today.
❄️ Winter is ending in some parts of the world, and soon to begin in others. What is a favorite "I'm not going outside" meal of yours?
✅ Describe a time you said YES to something that you considered passing on, and you were really happy you did.
🍷 How has your taste in wine changed over the years, and what wine are you really into right now?
🐇 Loving dark, macabre, brooding stuff rules. But what type of floofy, lighthearted or comedic fare cleanses your palate?
🚲 Being a good traveler is complex. Name a time you were a part of, or witness to, good OR bad tourism.
PLUS: Charles won't STFU about Japan, having just returned a couple days ago,
These three really like to talk, so buckle up. LFE time is here again!
Beverages of Choice
This week's featured spirit, courtesy of our sponsors at Beam Suntory:
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