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This episode delves into the essence of virtues like Magnanimity and Fortitude, and how they can reshape not only our spiritual endeavors but also our mundane challenges. To answer the call of Christ, "Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect", We seek the Virtues that will transform us. Alongside inspiring figures like Father Willie Doyle and guided by the reflective practices of saints such as Anthony Mary Claret and Ignatius Loyola, we examine our own lives through the lens of virtue and learn how even small sacrifices, like giving up fizzy drinks for Lent, can yield profound growth.
In this episode our meditation and prayer reaches out to Our Blessed Lady begging Her to help us in our quest for virtue and the answer to Her Son's command. teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, we confront the challenge of transcending mediocrity in our faith. This episode invites listeners to engage with the spiritual discipline of asking, seeking, and knocking, thereby unlocking the doors to a more devout and virtuous life. Through this heartfelt discussion, emerge equipped and inspired to don the full armor of Christian virtues, cultivating a patience that weathers trials and a dedication to the path of righteousness. Join us for this soul-stirring conversation, as we reflect on scripture and welcome the transformative power of living a life graced by virtue.