Christopher Engman and William Alteryd dive deep into the relevance of Megadeals for students in the Industrial Management and Engineering program at Luleå University. The program, a blend of engineering and business, prepares students for leadership roles, making Megadeals' methodologies highly relevant for their future careers.
Christopher shares his critical learnings since university, emphasizing fast learning over prestige. He also discusses the value of core skills learned at university, such as mathematical statistics and scientific methods. These skills are often overlooked but are crucial to long-term success.
William, who has been with Megadeals for one and a half years while studying, shares his insights. He talks about the importance of asking questions, being fearless, and the value of mentorship. He also discusses the differences in corporate culture between large and small companies, highlighting Megadeals' agility and flexibility.
The episode then shifts to "The Bold Move," an initiative led by William to recruit and train students in Megadeals methodologies. William explains how this initiative is a win-win for the company and the students, offering real-world experience and a chance to learn the Megadeal methodologies.
The episode wraps up with Christopher and William emphasizing the importance of integrating marketing and sales and how Megadeals is pioneering in this area.
Whether you're a student, a young professional, or a seasoned leader, this episode is packed with valuable insights you won't want to miss.