What does it mean to be a man in a modern society? How a man's relationship with his father influence his identification as a man? How do men relate to women and why? How do they relate to their gender and what are the challenges a man faces? We will answer some of this question in this episode.
We will introduce Michael Munck Jeppesen.
He is educated as a body oriented psychotherapist, sexologist,
enneagram facilitator, shock and trauma therapist and an inner child therapist.
In the moment, Michael is leading mens group for young men between the age from
18-35 years old. To resource them and to bring consciousness and healing to the hurt
and the wounding from their childhood.
Furthermore he is working with his clients close to the center in Copenhagen.
He works in Danish and English.His work is inspired by the trainings he had which includes bioenergetics, bodynamic,
inner child work and essence work etc.
Michael has a zest for life, thirst for the truth and he is dedicated to the embodiment of his being.
His teaching style is a mixture of presence, passion, intuition and compassion with touch of humour.
Learn more about Michael and his work:
Web: http://www.mandegrupperforunge.dk/
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