If you know Star Trek series, video-games like Final Fantasy, Dungeon and Dragons or movies like Alien, maybe you would like to know what plot inspired all of them, and on what the legendary monsters or gods are based on.
In 1950 The Voyage of the Space Beagle by A.E. van Vogt was published. It was a fix-up of four SF short stories fast published in different European languages and immediately started an influence that we can admire even now.
The title just added the word ¨space¨ to The Voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin's book about his five-year voyage around the world on HMS Beagle. The reference to Darwin is direct and for those familiar with the Luceafarul myth or Zburător or sburător (Romanian word meaning 'flyer') is a supernatural being in Romanian folklore, described as a "roving spirit who makes love to maidens by night".
The book was republished in 1952 under the title Mission: Interplanetary.
If interested in finding more about the myth, check: Zburătorul ('The Flyer/Flying Incubus) and Luceafărul (The Evening Star)
Having a big appetite for mythology, ancient arts and literature interest I´m easily attracted to repetitive intercultural characters, because I see a pattern of communication there, if we can recognize the same characteristics. In this case, the alien is a negative character, but in other stories it´s a neutral or even positive character, a super-hero. Eider way it´s quite important to recognize the alien character as an ancient ambivalent myth and one of the 4 main influencers world-wide.
A few years back I have found in a second-hand market a 1984 magazine (that´s the name) released in may 1983 that contained El viaje del Beagle Espacial as a comic in Spanish after A.E. van Vogt´s SF novel with drawings by the magnificent Luis Bermejo, well known Valencian illustrator and script (novel adaptation) by Rich Markopoulos. Bermejo makes a wonderful work with his black and white graphics, visual poetry for someone like me. Finding his dark illustrations in a flea market made a little immigrant women super happy. This comic is a part of my small treasure as I don´t own anything of valuable, besides my brain and a few books.
1984 was an adult magazine and horror stories or science fiction stories were published in adult magazines. It´s funny because today these monster stories have a younger target, whilst erotic narrative is specific to the adult public. Anyhow, as a comics fan that didn´t had comics in their childhood I´m glad with what adulthood reserves and having access to books, specially illustrated was a dream that I´m now enjoying with any occasion.
The majority of our stories, around the world are having similar narratives and the same ancient folk poetry characters apear in other places.
A.E. van Vogt was severely criticked by his rival that affected his reputation as a writer. The critique mocked him saying that he´s way of cutting the text was easy writing and that a writer using dreams for it´s writing is also super wrong. As a conclusion the critique was an imbécil, too classist to play with text or understand creation, also he might have been just envious and eager to end his so called rival´s career, even if in writing is not like in fighting.
At one point Philip K. Dick was asked what kind of authors influenced him and he pointed out A.E. van Vogt writing style, that inspired him. ¨His plots are marvels of interlocking pieces.¨ said P.K. Dick.
In fact, A.E. van Vogt was from an immigrant family and at home he used to speak Plautdietsch, a mix of Slavic, Dutch and German. This is an important aspect in a writer´s style as, having to express in an extra language things that do not exist in that language will implicitly interfere with the classic ways of expression. In this case something new was needed and Vogt developed this text cutting as a shortened version of saying a story.
If you ever tried to tell a story in another language, maybe you know that it can be a nightmare, that makes you feel like an alien, on a distant planet. Unless the others make an effort to understand, which is not to be seen until today. Immigrants adapt the way of communication, making the sentences more concentrated, in an intent of sending the correct message.
What´s the most curious about these language adaptations is that while immigrants make their pass through that language, they enrich it, developing new versions of it, personalizing it. A.E. van Vogt wasn´t always van, he changed the name at one point and judging by what happens still today, that people change their name to seem from another country to work in Customer Service I would say that this writer was an immigrant with a though life and wanted to make it better.