From a young age, Alysse Doty, a mother of two, became aware of her ability to hear people's thoughts and channel information from the beyond.
However, after a few occurrences of her sharing what she was hearing as a child with others, Alysse decided to shut down her abilities. That is, until they erupted out of her again when she was pregnant with her first child.
Now, as a channeler who’s studied with some of the world’s leading masters in sacred healing, meditation, intuitive guidance, and yoga, Alysse draws from a deep well of resources, including psychic-mediumship and Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) to channel information. Using these tools, Alysee guides people back into the truest part of themselves. Taking them beyond the cognitive mind, so they can learn how to cultivate knowingness, develop relational intelligence and trust the wisdom that they hold within.
On today’s episode, Alysse shares what it was like to hear things as a young child, how she was guided to begin working with a pendulum doing SRT, and how as a mother, she has learned to lean into her intuitive abilities and trust in her innate wisdom.
About Alysse Doty:
Alysse draws from a deep well of resources , including psychic-mediumship and Spiritual Response, to guide people back into truest part of themselves. Here, beyond the cognitive mind, we learn how to cultivate knowingness, develop relational intelligence and trust the wisdoms we hold within.