What if you showed up each day feeling completely at home, confident and comfortable in your body and the clothes
you put on it?
What if when you tried on unflattering outfits you blamed the clothes instead of your body?
What if you looked at your belly, your cellulite or your butt and thought, “Not a problem”.
What if nothing needed to be fixed, lifted, plumped, reduced, implanted, sucked in or sucked out?
My guest this week shifts people into this different mindset. In fact, she actively does it every day. She is so passionate about this message that she recently gave a Tedx talk that included an impromptu standing ovation.
Stasia Savasuk is the founder and creator of Style School. Stasia's Style School is a 5-week online class that teaches women how to identify their own personal and unique style so they can show up every day as brave, bold and beautiful.
As you will see in this episode, her work goes way beyond personal style and what you put on your body.
In this episode we talk about what sparked Stasia’s current message and how it led her to create and launch her popular online course, Style School. We dive deep into her most recent appearance on the Tedx stage. Finally, we’ll end with some bikini talk. Are they a source of torture or liberation? Listen in to find out what Stasia thinks about bathing suits and how she’s putting the real deal up on Instagram to lead the way for real women showing up in their bathing suits…and maybe even enjoying some chips and guac while they’re at it.
You will learn what inside out congruency is. Stasia shares her view on the argument that we have society to blame for the shame and the pressure women and men to fit into certain role, to stay in their boxes. Stasia offers up a challenge to this notion that’s worth paying attention to.
Finally, Stasia’s TedX talk has jsut recently been released on You Tube. After you listen to the show, be sure to check the show notes at neighborme.net to find the Tedx link and the other resources mentioned.