Things move extraordinarily fast this time of year and I'm offering today's episode as a soft reminder to take a gratitude pause.
A pause to appreciate how far you've come this year and for the simple things in life, which in my opinion, are the grandest.
Research shows that practicing gratitude, not just saying it, but expressing it can change your brain.
By expressing gratitude, your brain releases serotonin and dopamine which are responsible for your feel good emotions and enhance your mood almost immediately. Research shows that the simple act of writing things down can improve optimism and self esteem.
So for this month's episode, I've compiled a series of quotes from podcast guests, family, and friends who share what they're grateful for.
When they asked me what they should say I asked them to just share what's on their hearts.
In the beginning of November, I had the incredible opportunity to be a part of Julie Ryan's Angelic Attendant Training. Julie was my podcast guest last month (episode link here) and I've been listening to her podcast Ask Julie Ryan for some time. I was led to her work and wanted to learn more.
To say that the training was the best decision I've ever made is an understatement. I learned so much and was so energized that I didn't sleep for the entire weekend that I was there. We were the first in-person class and it was so successful that Julie will continue to offer the training in person.
I met so many incredible people and featured a handful in today's show, including Julie.
Typically, I round up the show with the "Top 3" takeaways. With today's episode, I challenge you to think of three things that you're grateful for and I bet you can come up with more than three.
And repeat this exercise every night before falling asleep. Try it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.
Now that's really something.
Listen in to this episode and lean in to the feeling of gratitude.
Episode 113: Julie Ryan on Finding Comfort when a Loved One Dies
Episode 74: What are you grateful for? (2022 episode)
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