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By Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy
3636 ratings
The podcast currently has 230 episodes available.
What is feminism? What are the consequences of the movement? What is the role of women in the Church and the world? And what women and the priesthood? Abbess Theologia gives succinct and clear answers to these questions.
Fellow soldiers in Christ’s army: our weapons are fully sufficient to defeat our spiritual enemies. In this brief passage, St. Paisios re-awakens us to the power of Christ and His Cross.
Speaking to Russians in exile who saw firsthand the Bolshevik revolution, Archbishop Averky contrasts the true freedom in Christ from the tyrannical slavery of sin, indulgence, and worldly ambition that many falsely call “freedom.” As St. Paul wrote, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal 5:1).
What is the firmament? What does scripture mean by “waters above the heavens”? St. John expounds upon the Scriptural testimony and raises our minds and hearts both to God’s creation and God Himself.
A reading of Chapter Four from "Noetic Prayer as the Basis of Mission and the Struggle Against Heresy" by Archimandrite Ephraim Triandaphillopoulos
The story of how Gerondissa Makrina become a beacon of Orthodox life in Greece under the guidance of St. Joseph the Hesychast. Gerondissa's nuns later helped start many monasteries in America and Canada under the leadership of Geronda Ephraim of Arizona.
The Christian soul loves the Mother of God and that love is exemplified and ignited listening to these reflections from St. Silouan the Athonite.
"I'm bored!" we hear people say, maybe even we ourselves have said this. St. Theophan the Recluse offers practical advice to overcome boredom and the feeling of being all alone.
Elder Ephraim reflects on the great love of God for man and how critical humility is to remain in communion with God and His grace.
"What is the hallmark of a priest? To gather prosphora? To perform nice services? To preach sweetly and 'usefully' from the ambo and make a few young ladies tear up emotionally from his contemplative thoughts? What is the hallmark of a priest and bishop in these difficult years?..."
The podcast currently has 230 episodes available.
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