In the summer of 1990, Operation Blackbird was launched, to investigate the curious (and then growing) appearances of Crop Circles across the world. These mysterious, geometric shapes would appear in crops, prompting some to claim UFOs were at work, and others to cry 'hoax'.
On the second night of Operation Blackbird, researchers were excited to see a crop circle emerge…but when they examined closer, the plot thickened. They found strange circular boardgame boards, in the centre of every circle, and then the next day, one of the researchers received a letter from the notorious UK dance band…the KLF.
Join me as I try to get to the bottom of this curious case, which involved me interviewing original witnesses, and gaining access to a handwritten letter supposedly by KLF front man, Bill Drummond.
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Special Thank you for those that helped with this Episode:
Colin Andrews played by David Stephenson
George (Merlin) Vernon played by Owen Staton
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