Writing is about listening. Connecting and tuning in. All of this enables the words to come through the body.
“When we only move from the logical mind and we don’t move from the body mind and the heart mind, and we don’t integrate these different parts of ourselves, then it can feel like it’s [writing] taking and not also nourishing us.”
What an incredibly special episode to close the season and the show on. The wisdom and generosity that Toni brings to this episode around the power of language through her embodiment as a listener who listens through writing, poems, and the earth - for the stories that help us remember our power and our magic, is precious and invaluable.
Toni Giselle Stuart works as a poet, performer, creative writing facilitator & healer. Her work includes Krotoa-Eva’s Suite – a cape jazz poem in three movements with filmmaker Kurt Orderson; Poetry, Paramedics and Film with filmmaker/health researcher Leanne Brady (2018); What the Water Remembers at Woordfees (2020); forgetting. and memory with vangile gantsho & Vusumzi Ngxande, at the Virtual National Arts Festival (2020). She has an MA Writer/Teacher (distinction) from Goldsmiths, University of London, where she was a 2014/2015 Chevening Scholar.
Connect with Toni
Website: https://tonistuart.com/
IG: @tonigiselle_official
Email: [email protected]
Dot Dot Dot Dance: https://www.dotdotdotdance.com/
Anis Mojgani: Shake the dust
Badilisha Poetry Festival
D'bi Young: Rivers and Other Blackness Between Us
Gabeba Baderoon
Shine Lulu Kitololo Business course for creatives: http://www.lulukitololo.com
Speculative fiction trilogy and verse
In bloom: Poetry with time on the land
The Writers Oasis: https://tonistuart.com/the-writers-oasis
Rah Nomvula Busby of Divine Lotus
Waatlemoen konfyt: Watermelon preserve
In Bloom: https://tonistuart.com/_____in-bloom
Cairn = A pile of stones or rocks intentionally piled up one on top of the other as ways to show the path
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Ama Rouge Website: www.wearewildwithin.com
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Twitter: @podcastpowerup
Ella Mesma Website: www.ellamesma.co.uk, www.mayagandaia.com,
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Music by Tomo Carter IG: @tomocarter
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