In this episode we're starting a new little series about small bits of helpful and useful expressions, that are common in everyday speech.
And a very helpful way of not repeating the whole phrase in a reponse to a question, we often say f.ex. "Yes, I can" or "Yes, I do".
Kan du sykle? Ja, det kan jeg.
Vil du spise? Ja, det vil jeg.
Sykler du til jobben? Ja det gjør jeg.
The rule is this: kan, vil, skal, må + er/har in the question => repeat the verb in the response. All others verbs as question => put "gjør" in the response.
Er du glad i dag? Ja, det ... jeg.
Kan du spille gitar? Ja, det ... jeg.
Drikker du kaffe? Ja, det ... jeg.
Great! Well done :)) 😊
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