Post-dates (42+wks) Late Term (41+ wks)Elective 39+wks DiabetesHypertension Many more - check out ACOG Medically indicated delivery ARRIVE Trial - Multicenter RCT showing benefit to 39wk IOL over expectant management to ~41wks
Primips No medical indications for IOL prior to 40+5IOL group had LOWER c-section rate than expectant group Neonatal composite outcome had a trend (not statistically significant) toward lower neonatal compilations in IOL group IOL at 39wks is as safe as expectant management without increased risksMany pregnant people are now offered a 39wk IOL rather than waiting for spontaneous labor Full H&PUltrasound for position - VertexVE for cervical exam: dilation/effacement/Station, also position and consistency Calculate Bishops Score → help determine mode of IOLOptions for IOL: if biship score <8 for prime or <6 for multip, ripen first!
Mechanical cervical ripening (balloon)Chemical cervical ripening (misoprostol or cervidil) Best yet--both! Prime: Pitocin alone if Biship 8 or higherMulitp: Pitocin alone if bishop 6 or higher Failure to reach active labor after 18+hrs ruptured on pitocin (definition varies 12-24hrs ruptured on pitocin) If reaches active labor (6+cm), no longer failed IOL, now arrest of dilation or descent