Did you know that a biographer made up the story about George Washington confessing to cutting down the cherry tree? However, it's easy to believe because of his character.
This story has also been used for generations by parents as an example of taking accountability. When you were a child, you may have learned that it's more honorable to own up to your actions instead of blaming others or making excuses.
Nonetheless, holding ourselves responsible can be scary. Admitting our shortcomings or mistakes may threaten our self-image and open us up to criticism from others. Therefore, many people find it safer to focus on external circumstances rather than looking at themselves.
The truth is that you are most likely missing out on happiness and success by trying to avoid responsibility.
If you desire to regain control of yourself, this episode is for you.
My eBook "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life": https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097L6LR5J
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