Dr. Stephanie Holmes and Martin Chen answer your questions on Autism!
A. What if I want or think my child needs an IEP or 504- they have a diagnosis but I keep getting turned down?
B. What if my school won't take my IEE?
C. When we have an IEP and it isn't being followed, what is my legal recourse?
D. I've heard if school can't help my child I can get credits for a private school?
Martin Chen received his BA from Vanderbilt University and his JD from Georgia State University College of Law. He has 30+ years with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rightsensured that recipients of federal financial assistance from the Education Department complied with civil rights laws which prohibited discrimination on the bases of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and equal access to the Boy Scouts of America. He resides in the Metropolitan Atlanta area and has since 1976. He attended Dekalb County Public Schools.