We're closing out 2022 with an unsolved murder and a disturbing WTF story.
O'Dell kicks things off with the case of Erika Cirioni, a single mother of two who went out to ring in the new year with friends back in 2006. She didn't make it home. Several years later her remains were found, but her murder remains unsolved. Can you help?
After the break, Erin covers the case of the Whittaker family in Virginia. They are known as the most inbred family in the United States, and as disturbing as that is, they have nothing on a family known as the Colt Clan in New South Wales.
We bring things home with a WTF story about a man who hadn't bathed in 60 years, and close out with another round of would you rather.
- 00:00 - Intro
- 00:49 - Bubble Baths
- 08:16 - O'Dell's Case: Who Murdered Erika Cirioni?
- 24:26 - Erin's Case: The Whittakers & the Colt Clan
- 48:10 - WTF of the Week: Deadly Baths?
- 51:01 - Palette Cleanser: Another Would You Rather
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Music used in this episode was licensed through Epidemic Sound:
Reach by STRLGHT
Ghostly by Tigerblood Jewel
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