Valentine, a sober podcaster and activist, who confesses they often end up over-volunteering for recovery service opportunities. Valentine's driving question is, "How can we change the face of sobriety to make it more accessible?"
They advocate for Recovery Dharma and Tempest sobriety, a recovery movement that, among other things, tries to make recovery accessible to people who are even just questioning their relationship to alcohol.
We talk about the permanence of words like "alcoholic" and "addict," what we've learned about ourselves in recovery, and dancing while sober. #PLURlife
Resources shared in this episode also include Holly Whitaker's Hip Sobriety and Quit Like a Woman, Bruce Alexander's Globalization of Addiction, and Eight Step Recovery by Paramabandhu Groves and Valerie Mason-John. We talk about the alcohol industry, staying healthy during Covid-19, how to self-care during quarantine. (Hint: it involves foot baths.)
Valentine produces two podcasts: Recovery Discovery and the Buddhist Recovery Network Podcast.
Link to article mentioned in episode: