We’ve all used, or at least seen, that timeless yellow and red Haggadah year after year at our Passover seder. So did Pearl Richman! But each year, Pearl would stick little notes, reminders and news clippings to make the seder a little bit more her own. That is, until she realized, all these modern rituals and additions could make it into a Haggadah of her own! That’s why Pearl, and her daughter Maxie, who are by no means Jewish scholars, set out to modernize the Passover Haggadah you’ve been using for decades by curating The Haggadah Collective. Pearl and Maxie call themselves passionate and dedicated students of kindness, love, and inclusivity. Their Haggadah is infused with a chic, contemporary aesthetic and is grounded in the concepts of diversity, equality, and acceptance. Plus, their love of kids inspired them to create a vibrant companion Haggadah, called "Hug-It-Out," which is a love letter to the children who sit at our Passover table and learn about Judaism from us with great curiosity and awe.
As I speak with Pearl this week, she shares all about the thought process behind the creation of The Haggadah Collective and how this can serve as inspiration for you to take the passover rituals into your own hands and infuse a unique mix of tradition and modernity into your seders. Are you ready? Let’s talk passover!