Hey, everybody, and welcome to a conversation with Dan from a Happy Moment podcast. Hey, Dan, how’s it going? Good, Bob. How are you doing today? I’m pretty good. Well, today’s been kind of a day, I’ll tell you. I’ll be honest with you. I was busy all day long, and then now this is my relaxing time. So hopefully it’ll be happy for both of us going through all this. What do you think? Hey, every time I’ve talked to you so far, it’s been a happy moment. Oh, good. All right. So Dan does a show called Happy Moment. And how long have you been doing that now, Dan? Roughly two years. I took a small break in between there, but going on about two years now. And I’ve got about close to 100 episodes. Oh, wow. Okay. And what was kind of the antithesis? Like, were you just sitting around one day and you’re just like, you know what would be good for me to do?
Have a show or how did it come about? I just wanted to try it as kind of a challenge to myself. I’ve always been kind of a quiet person. You know, I was in high school. I was voted the quietest. Really? That was a category? Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it was. I didn’t know that. Okay. At least at my school. Okay. So you kind of used it as a way to do something a little bit different that was a little bit out of your normal regular day or whatever, regular routine. Yeah. Yeah. Just kind of a, and also just kind of like a creative outlet. Okay. So how’s it, I mean, whenever you started doing it, like I think you told me you concentrate mostly on,
Uh, movies, uh, wrestling and pop culture or one of those maybe i made up. I can’t remember now. No, I, I do a lot of, uh, movies, books, uh, gaming, wrestling. Those are probably the main ones oh okay well that there’s my pop culture, movies, books, gaming. That’s all on the right track. Yeah. Yeah. We could, we could crunch that into pop culture. Uh, So that’s interesting. So then you decided you’re going to do this in order to do kind of, I guess, break out of your shell a little bit from being the most quiet guy. Has it worked? Yeah. I’d say there’s been varying degrees of success. I mean, the first thing I wanted to accomplish was just to see if I could even pull it off.
And as I, as I just mentioned, I’ve got close to a hundred episodes, so I I’d say I’m definitely pulling it off. And yeah, I would say overall it’s, it’s probably, it’s helped me a little bit. I’m kind of introverted by, by nature, but you know, this, this helps kind of get me out there a little bit more and, you know, it’s good practice talking to a variety of people. So yeah, I’d say it’s working, yeah. Oh, good. Well, I just was wondering, because that’s what you said was kind of the push for it. So you kind of want it to work. Otherwise, you’re like, well, what am I doing this for? But I will tell you, as a personal aside here, you probably won’t believe it, but I’m a fairly introverted person as well. And doing these kind of things has helped tremendously.
And in fact, um, I’m trying to think what it was now. It’s had to be about 10 more. It’s been more than 10 years ago anyway. So, uh, but anyway, I, I, it has helped me with doing public speaking. So I don’t have to do it like with any regularity or anything like that, but because of doing shows, podcasts for a long time, um, I have been called at times to be up in front of an audience and an audience of hundreds of people. And they say, you know, if you read anything about that, they’re like, that’s one of the worst fears. And by doing this, I’ve been able to, you know, pull that off and, you know, more than once. And it went pretty well, I would say.
Overall. So, you know, maybe there’s something to it. I think maybe you’re on the right track basically is what I’m getting at with doing this in order to kind of, you know develop that skill because it is a skill. I don’t think people you know, nowadays it’s hard. It’s a little bit harder because so many people do this kind of thing. But once you do it for a while, it really is a skill in order to kind of talk off the top of your head on topic so Kudos to you for giving it a shot and making a go of it and accomplishing it. Fantastic. Thank you. One thing, when I do an interview with someone, a lot of the times I feel like it comes pretty naturally. But the one area I still struggle with is when I…
Most of my episodes are interviews, but I also do a few shorter solo episodes, usually like a horror review or a game review. And when I do a solo episode, I cannot just start talking about a topic off the top of my head. I have to script everything out to the word. Really? Yeah, or else when I’m recording, I’ll be stumbling and stuttering, and it’ll take me like an hour to record a 10 minute video so everything has to be scripted out when I’m by myself that’s interesting well here I’m going to give you another hint for that so I a friend of mine, his name is Frank Nora, and he’s a long time podcaster out of New Jersey. And he does a thing called the overnight scape if if anybody wants to take a listen to it. And he does monologues. That’s all he does. He only talks monologues.
He doesn’t do interviews or anything, really. And he only does monologues. And he generally does them while he’s walking around New York City because he works in New York City. And it’s fascinating. And I’ve done that. Actually, I did a show on his network for a while called Morning Commute, where I would talk on my… This is pre-COVID. When I talk on my morning commute into work, where I used to drive into work for about 35, 40 minutes… And I did a show for a few years just doing that. It is so difficult to do that, to talk on your own without having somebody as a sounding board and so forth. But if you can do it, you know, if you can kind of, you know, force yourself into it, it really is a whole other skill to be able to just launch into things and so forth. And so, I mean, keep working at it. I think you’ll get there. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, I think you’ll get there because…
But if you listen to Frank, it’s so natural for him. His show is based off of a show that was actually in the 60s and 70s. I’m blanking on his name here. Gene Shepard is the name. He was a radio DJ in New York City. He ended up writing the Christmas Story movie. That’s his real claim to fame. But before he did any of that, he was a radio host and he would make up these stories on air. And one of those stories was about the Red Ryder BB gun. And he ended up fleshing that out into a book. And then it became a movie. And that’s really what he’s famous for. But it’s based on Gene Shepard’s monologues. And his monologues were just telling stories about his childhood and things like that. And so, you know, it really is fascinating to,
that style is a whole style unto itself. And I don’t think there’s a lot of folks who do that, like, regularly. But, you know, it’s a whole other genre, I would say. So I would, you know, for yourself and whoever else wants to, go listen to The Overnightscape and listen to Frank. He’s a real nice guy, and he generally has lots of interesting things to say. Some of them are… like thought experiments and he’ll just kind of launch into a monologue about what he’s thinking about. And it really is fascinating to, to listen to originally I started listening because I enjoyed hearing the sounds of New York City in the background, which is kind of weird. I mean, I was listening to him, but, but it was fascinating to hear that he’s walking down like he’s in Times Square and,
and you can hear Times Square in the background while he’s talking, and he’ll pause and so forth. To me, it was just kind of one of those wild experiences because you don’t get to go to Times Square every day, but he does. It did, at least. So the monologues are a little tough for you, but the interviews seem to be going pretty good, huh? Sorry, I went off on a whole tangent there. Oh, no, you’re fine. I went off on my own monologue there. But I don’t know. Give it a try. I mean, that’s all you can do, right? Right. See what it’s like. So would you want to – are you thinking that you want to go in that direction more? Or would you rather have the interaction? I probably lean towards sticking with mostly interviews. Yeah. Yeah.
If you had to pick an interview that you had over your episodes that was the most interesting, can you name that one? Without making anybody else feel bad like myself? It doesn’t have to be me. I’m just joking. I mean, I’ve like I’ve had so many great guests on the show. I mean, well, oh man. What’s the first one that comes to your head? Just blurt it out. So I did an interview a few months ago with a fellow content creator. And we were talking all about uh horror movies and we did a look at our favorite horror movies throughout the decades and i had a lot of fun doing that um i mean i always enjoy talking horror movies but i mean we went through like a whole list of them and that was just a great time i learned a lot about new horror movies i hadn’t heard of before uh so yeah i i put that at the that’s definitely up there
What was their show or what was their name? Her name is Turbo Skeletron. That’s the handle that she uses most places. Yeah, that’s a good name. Yeah, she has a couple different YouTube channels. There’s Discount Horror Store. That’s one of them. And then Bard of Kryn is another one. That’s more of a fantasy book related one. But the The Discount Horror is a horror channel that she does. Oh, cool. So when you talked about the decades, how far back are you going, do you think? So for my list, I really couldn’t go back any earlier than the 1920s. Oh my, that’s pretty far back. Well, you’d think so, but then she was able to touch on stuff going all the way back to the 1800s. I have to correct myself because I think I called her the Discount Horror Store, but it’s Discount Horror Show. I apologize for that if you listen to this. That’s fine. What was the oldest one? What was the name of it? Phantom of the Opera, perhaps.
I mean, the oldest one that I could think of, I think, was either Phantom of the Opera or maybe Nosferatu. Oh, right, yeah. That’s big right now, too. Yeah, yeah, that remake that just came out. Yeah. Just off the top of my head, I can’t remember the older ones that she was talking about. Yeah, there’s a lot of interesting things. And from the 1800s, a lot of those were just… not full-length movies, but more like four or five-minute shorts. Yeah, I think there was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that was in that era pre-1900. Nosferatu, the F.W. Murnau version is 1921, I think. I’m not even looking this up. It’s all out of my head, Dan. Thank you. The new one, obviously, is this year, but it
it rekindled, I don’t know if you’ve noticed on all the like if you have a fire stick or a a uh one of those kind of things, you’ll see they’ll pop up the old version because of the new one, right? So it’s on all the all the recommendations now for the to watch the old one yeah uh roku’s got that and buyer and uh i guess samsung TV. has recommendations, and they put it up there because it’s the same name, right? So people are searching Nosferatu. Did you watch it? I’ve seen the 20s version a long time ago now, but I haven’t watched the new one yet. I probably will end up watching it. Have you seen it? No, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. Yeah. Well, it’s got, you know, I guess he’s like –
He’s kind of like the new horror guy, Bill Skarsgård, right? Because he played the clown in It, the new versions. So yeah, he’s kind of like the new horror actor or whatever you want to say. Right. But Tim Curry played the other version of It, the clown. Does the clown have a name? I can’t even remember. Pennywise. Pennywise, that’s it. He played the old version of Pennywise, and so now he’s kind of taken over that. But Tim Curry did a lot of horror and what I’ll call glam horror, if you count the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Would you classify that as horror, the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Not really. Oh, okay. Maybe a horror comedy, I guess you could call it. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, it’s not really too scary, but it does have elements, right? So it’s got all the elements of an old horror movie in it with the castle and all that kind of stuff. But you’re right. It’s obviously much more tongue-in-cheek. So what…
Now, I watched a movie recently. I don’t know, would this be considered a horror movie or not? I’m not, so genre-wise, I would say horror is not my, you know, kind of first go-to genre-wise, but i watched a movie called heretic recently. Have you seen this uh i’m not familiar with it. Okay, it’s got um it’s really, it’s it’s a 824 movie which apparently that means something nowadays. What I’m finding out when I’m reading here is that people really like A24 movies. And it’s got… I’m going to blank on his name now. Just talk amongst yourselves while I think for a moment. Hugh Grant. Hugh Grant is essentially the star, and it has a couple of younger actors in it as well. But it’s really just got…
mostly three people in the whole movie. And it is possibly the creepiest movie I think I’ve watched in a long time. It gives you, totally gives you the willies, you know, when you’re watching it and afterwards. It’s not an overly gross movie. It’s not, you know, like jump scares. But the creep factor is off the charts. If you want to get totally creeped out, you can watch Heretic and you will be, I think. I like creepy. Creepy is good. Yeah, very creepy. So what’s one that you’ve seen recently that you’ve liked a lot as far as a horror movie goes? You know, I haven’t watched a whole lot of newer horror movies. Mostly just because I haven’t had a whole lot of time for them. There was one that I watched came out just like maybe three or four years ago.
called The Dead Don’t Die. And that was kind of a horror comedy. It was starring Bill Murray and Adam Driver. Yes, I watched that. You did? Okay. Yeah, it’s a Jim Jarmusch movie. If you’re familiar with Jim Jarmusch, he’s always an independent filmmaker of some renown, I guess. At this point, maybe not as much as it used to be, but… He did a movie called Dead Man with Johnny Depp that was really quite good. And he did, what was it called? Ghost Dog, Way of the Samurai with Forrest Whitaker. Another really good movie from like earlier in the 2000s. I enjoyed The Dead Don’t Die. Tremendously. Even though I don’t know that most people would. I think that’s a fair assessment. I enjoyed it mostly. I mean, it’s not really necessarily like a laugh out loud kind of comedy. But I thought Bill Murray was really entertaining in it. And
It was interesting. It was very much a… Well, it was a zombie movie, right? So there was that aspect to it, which that’s a whole genre in and of itself. But it broke the fourth wall several times on purpose and not overly kitschily, I would say. At least the first time they broke the fourth wall, you’re like… wait a minute, did that just happen? That was my reaction. I’m like, did he just, did he just do that? I mean, it kind of like caught me off guard just a little bit, even though it was a very, it wasn’t sudden or anything, you know, it’s just like, oh, that music, you know, and then you’re like, oh my gosh. And then they carried on and, and it, but I think it’s one of those movies where if people, you know, kind of,
get it, they’re going to love it, and then if you don’t get it, you’re going to think it’s kind of stupid. Yeah. Maybe. That’s a good assessment of it. There’s some funny moments in there, like the zombie attack scene at the diner, and afterwards they’re all gathering over there, and every person that comes in there and takes a look, like, oh, what do you think that was? wild animal, two wild animals. Yeah, it was, it was very silly. And the, um, so i’m gonna try and think of all the main characters off the top of my head here. So Adam Driver, Bill Murray play, uh, like sheriff’s people, sheriff and sheriff deputy. And then who was there? Uh, what’s her name? Um, who was the other deputy? Uh,
I can’t think of her name. I can’t think of her name, but she’s been a lot of independent stuff. Um, uh, I can’t, I can’t think of it, but, um, but it has all these characters in it that you’ll, all these actors in it are, are known actors. So like, um, uh, Selena Gomez was in it. Yeah. Yeah. Along with some other people that weren’t quite as famous as her but And she does a pretty good job of it, too. But all through the movie, it really is surreal, I would say. Yeah. And Adam Driver’s character, throughout the movie, he keeps saying, oh, this isn’t going to end well. And finally, towards the end, Bill Murray asks him, why do you keep saying that?
Yeah, well, it’s in the script. Yeah, I read the last page. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I’m like, oh, my gosh. I’ve got to think of this lady’s name because she was in Brown Bunny. I can remember all these movies she’s been in in my head here, but I can’t think of her name now. Chloe Savini. Chloe Savini. Thank you. Okay. I was going to say the other main female character, Tilda Swinton. Oh, gosh, yeah. So what is your – okay, Tilda Swinton. what is your thoughts on Tilda Swinton as an actor this was only the second movie I can think of that I’ve seen her in oh really I mean, both movies I thought she played her part pretty well. What was the other one? Do you recall? Yeah, it was Burn After Reading okay have you seen that?
Yeah, I’ve seen that one. Well, I will tell you, at least for me, I will watch any Tilda Swinton movie because she is so different. And a lot of times she, it’s like extremes, right? In this one, she actually was, well, she was the Undertaker, right? Was she the new Undertaker? Yeah. Yeah. Undertaker slash alien. Alien, right. Yeah. And she’s got a very otherworldly presence. Yeah. She’s been in a lot of movies that are weird and so forth, but every time she’s in a movie, the performance is really interesting. The only one I can think of where she wasn’t overly interesting was Doctor Strange. She was the ancient one. Oh, that’s right. It wasn’t that. You probably saw that one. That one, not as memorable, but
all these other movies, like she was in a, there’s a movie called Snowpiercer. Have you ever seen that about the train that drives around the world and everything’s in the ice age and so forth and oh she plays a character it’s just totally different than anything else that she’s played. And it’s just wild. She’s just such a great actress and so weird. She did a movie um I wish I could remember the name of where she’s a vampire. She did a great job in that one. Oh, cause she kind of gives a vampire vibe, but, um, anyway, anything that she’s in, I will try to watch, but sometimes she does some pretty avant-garde things. So you have to be, uh, you know, you have to be willing to go there. I’ll put it that way. Sure. I thought she was, she was good in the dad don’t die in, uh,
I really enjoyed Burn After Reading, too. I thought she did really good in that one, too. Yeah, she was. Actually, Burn After Reading brings up another famous actor that I think about, and that was Brad Pitt. He was in Burn After Reading, right? Yeah. And I think he did an excellent job in that. But here’s my thought about Brad Pitt, which is – and I’ll see what your take is on this. I think Brad Pitt is an excellent – character actor because burn after reading he’s a character actor but they always put him as the leading man because he’s a good looking guy but he’s never good i mean he’s never as good as the leading man as he is in the character part like have you seen snatch uh where he’s you know kind of the the bare knuckles boxer guy and you can’t understand what he’s saying
No, I haven’t. It’s great. He’s great. But it’s not a big part. It’s a small part, right? And then Burn After Reading, he’s kind of the numbskull jock kind of guy. But every time he’s in movies like that, I mean, he is the best. And then you get him in, you know, I mean, just like Ocean’s Eleven or whatever. He’s fine. He’s not great. What’s your thought? I mean, now that you bring it up, I see where you’re coming from. How did you feel about his role in Fight Club? But he wasn’t the main character. That’s why it was good. Okay, that’s true, yeah. Because he was the alter ego to the main character in Fight Club. That’s why I think he did so well in it. If he was the main character, I think it wouldn’t have been as good. He was in this movie, Wolves. Have you seen it on Apple TV with George Clooney? No. He’s not terrible in that because it’s a George Clooney movie. Okay. You know what I mean? George Clooney is really the main guy. Yeah. I’ll say that I enjoyed World War Z. Yeah. Yeah.
But, I mean, it wasn’t. Think about those other performances, how good he was. And then you look at World War II. He was the main guy there, right? Yeah. You’re like, he was supposed to be some dad or something. I don’t know. That was what I was like. I don’t know. Yeah. Well, I guess I’ll just say, I mean, he’s not my favorite actor. But, I mean, he’s fine. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but that’s because he’s doing the wrong parts. He’s got to come into these character parts, and he’s a great actor as long as they give him something to do other than be the hero or whatever. He really needs to be the villain, and he will be soon because he’s getting old, right? So have you ever noticed that after people play the hero for a while, then they play the villain? Like Hugh Grant in Heretic, this one I was just telling you about, he’s the villain, and he is fantastic.
because he played the sweet guy who was all nervous, and he’s out of that now. He’s always the villain, right? He was the villain in Paddington Bear or something, I think. I didn’t even watch that one, but he’s primed to be the villain. So Brad Pitt, Brad, if you’re listening, you want to take career advice from a couple of guys talking about movies here, be the villain. It’ll be the best thing ever for you, and you’ll be great at it. It’s funny that you mention Hugh Grant as a villain because as soon as you mentioned that, the movie that immediately came to mind was that new Dungeons & Dragons movie that came out a couple years ago where he’s a villain in that one too. That one was pretty good. Oh, yeah. See? And now he’s got a whole career of being a villain. Yeah. It’s great. It’s great that way. So if you… Okay, so if you had to…
name your favorite we’ll get back to horror movies now. so I went off on a bunch of tangents there, but yeah that’s okay well horror movies so what would you say if i if i like top five horror movies don’t have to be your number one, but in the top five, what would you say uh top five horror movies? I would say uh john carpenter’s version of the Thing. Oh my gosh. Okay. that’s It’s up there. that’s Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s a great one. Uh, it’s a very, very close to flawless movie, I think. Yeah, I would totally agree with you there. Okay. I just recently re-watched it, uh, a few months ago. Um, I did watch the, um, the latest one, the, which is kind of a prequel to that one. It’s called the thing i think as well, but, um, yeah, no, that,
version with kurt russell is you’re right it’s just about flawless, isn’t it it everything moves the whole movie moves and you’re with everybody every step of the way yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s very well done that that feeling of, you know, that kind of creeping dread and the paranoia that’s going around among everyone there uh yeah very well executed so i’d list that as my favorite. Now, the funny thing is we we’ve talked previously on your show and you know we’re like I don’t like anything too gory but that thing is gory that is a gory movie it has its moments that’s probably at my limit for what I enjoy as far as gore I usually don’t go too much farther than that yeah a head that separates from the body and walks around like a spider is pretty gruesome yeah
Or they’re trying to give CPR to that guy. Right. The chest opens up. Yeah. Oh, my God. But you’re right. It is one of those good movies. So are you a John Carpenter fan? Yeah. He’s made a lot of good movies. Halloween, The Fog, Vampires. Oh, yeah. Vampires. Yeah. Yeah, that one with James Woods. So he’s done a lot of good stuff. Yeah, I’m a huge Carpenter fan. And I was lucky enough, my co-host for Static Radio, Miles, he got me John Carpenter’s autograph a few years ago. So, yeah, I got that going on. Very cool. Which is good. One of the few – Miles is an autograph collector – And, uh, I’m not. And so he, he, uh, he got me that for, uh, so i can’t remember what it was for, but he got me an autograph of carpenter a while back because he’s getting up there. He’s not a young man anymore. So, uh, you know, he probably won’t be with us for too much longer unfortunately but uh but yeah i i think i pretty much, I watch any john carpenter movie, you know even
um even escape from LA, which was not very good compared to escape from new York. Uh, but yeah, but i think you’re right. I think the thing is probably maybe besides halloween is probably his best movie. Oh, definitely. Yeah. because Halloween is a very tight movie. I mean it, everything moves along and it’s got enough going on to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time where that’s what the thing with the, The thing with the thing. The thing does the same thing as well. Keeps everything moving, keeps you really wanting to be involved in the movie. Well, that’s cool. All right. Well, now my other interest is sci-fi movies. Do you like sci-fi movies then as well? I do, yeah. Well, we watched kind of a pseudo…
We’ve reviewed a pseudo sci-fi movie, I would say. Primeval, would that be sci-fi? I don’t know. Maybe like a sci-fantasy. Yeah, okay. Gotcha. So in that genre, do you have any kind of top five? Now, the thing could be in both those categories, but let’s say that that’s not in the… We can’t say that one again. Right. I mean, as far as sci-fi, at the top of the list, it has to be Godzilla. The original one, like from the 50s? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. The Toho’s Godzilla, the Toho studio Godzilla. Yeah. With Raymond Burr. I’m here on top of the tower. That’s my Raymond Burr impersonation. I can’t believe we’re seeing this. Oh, you like the original. Okay. Yeah. You know, I don’t know that I’ve ever actually seen that.
to be honest with you. Oh, okay. Yeah, check it out if you have a chance. It feels like it flows better a little bit. Well, because they stuck Raymond Burr into that for the American version. Yeah. All his stuff was shot like in two days, and then they just kept putting him in there, and he’d be, I can’t believe what’s happening. There’s a giant lizard walking through. Anyway, I mean. Although, I would list, invasion of astro monster as my favorite godzilla movie. Oh, okay. Now I think i have seen that one, so. Okay. That movie all around. Yeah. I was huge into godzilla when i was younger. And, uh, I think i’ve seen almost all of the, you know, guy in a suit godzilla movies that were made back in that day. Um, like monster zero and, um, uh, what was it? Um,
The one with the Godzuki or no, what was his name? It was Godzilla. What was his son’s name? Oh, Manila. I think it was. It was Manila. The little one, right? So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All of that kind of stuff. So you’re kind of skewed toward that though. I think your tastes are kind of, you know, for being a younger guy, your tastes are kind of in the past. It seems like. Yeah. Yeah. You know, a lot of that, I think comes from grandma babysitting me when I was younger. Because in my house, we didn’t have cable TV for a while, but grandma did. And so I was always put on like the, I’d find these old like sci-fi and old horror movies. And then she would always say to me, she’d go, Danny, why do you like such gruesome programs? I would just laugh. Yeah.
And grandma was like, let me put away the kitchen knives. Dan’s coming over for the afternoon. Right. The funny thing is I had a similar life experience. So growing up, we didn’t have cable. And this was pre-internet. And so, yeah, all I had was like three stations. But my grandmother lived in the city. And when I went there, she had… And so I would watch all the independent channels and I would watch all those old shows, right? So that was what they played at that time was, you know, old Godzilla movies and monster movies and all that kind of stuff, especially if I spent the night, right? So you spend the night and you’d stay up and watch the creature feature or whatever. Did you ever, you’re probably too young, but did you ever have, you know how they, have you seen Svengoolie on MeTV? You know who I’m talking about?
Uh, I never had that channel, but I know who you’re talking about. Oh, okay. Well, did you ever, was there ever like one of those creature feature guys like Sven Gulli that you ever caught that you can remember? Uh, you’re probably too young for that. The one that I remember watching was, uh, monster vision with Joe Bob Briggs. Joe Bob Briggs. That’s it. Yeah. Yeah. So he would be the, he would be, um, the cable version of that. Right. So prior to him, before like cable was everything, there used to be every like area, like major area. So like every, you know, big, uh, uh, station, Chicago and, and, uh, and so forth would have their own guy who would be Joe Bog Briggs. Right. So Sven Gulli was in Chicago and he’s somehow lasted through, you know,
all the changes he’s on me TV now, but every, everyone, I grew up with a guy named Dr. Terror and, and, and so Dr. Terror would come on at night and on Friday nights and, or Saturday nights and he would introduce a horror movie, old one. And then he would do little in-betweens, right? So then they go to commercial and he’d say, Oh, you know, and, uh, And then do commercials and all that kind of stuff. The hilarious thing to me was Dr. Terror was the news director of the station. So then he would be doing the news at 6 o’clock. And then at night, he’d be the Dr. Terror with makeup on and stuff. That’s awesome. I think that there’s… There’s room now for more of that, right? With the internet, I think that there’s really…
room for a revival of that kind of thing. There’s actually a lady, her name’s Marlena Midnight, and she does the monster movies like that on, I think it’s Channel 8 in Iowa, like outside Des Moines and so forth. And she’s contemporary, right? But she does a monster show kind of like Elvira, you know, and stuff like that. So I think that she does it online as well. And I think that nowadays, you know, it’s ripe for those things to come back. Joe Bob Briggs still does his bit. He just doesn’t do it on Monster Vision anymore. He does appearances and stuff. He still has on Shudder, he has At the Last Drive-In. Yeah. So I think that’s all. Everybody loves that kind of stuff. That’s interesting. Yeah. And like you mentioned, I think now is a good time for
for people to be doing stuff like that with how the internet is everywhere now. Someone could have their own YouTube show or… And then, yeah. And then just do the bits. I don’t know what… I guess… I don’t know. I suppose you could… There’s a lot of public domain stuff nowadays, so maybe you could still even show the movie. I don’t know. That’s something to look into. I think it would be fun, though. Yeah. Because there was… There was a certain, you know, well, you would, you know, remember it from being a kid. There’s this kind of a certain feeling that you get when you were watching that was, you know, it’s fun. It’s kind of scary. You know, it’s just on the edge of, you know, maybe I shouldn’t be watching this. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean. And so, I mean, everybody, you know, that…
Especially when you’re younger, everybody loves that kind of aspect to it, to where it’s like you’re getting away with something, but you’re not. I mean, there’s nothing really bad about any of it. It’s just, well, Friday the 13th or something. But interesting like that. So it may be something that could have a comeback more so than maybe it did. Because there literally was hundreds of these monster movie guys. across the country at all these different stations. So, they were ripe for a revival of the monster movie people i think it would be a lot of fun to, uh, you know, go back and watch some of those older horror movies. Like, get a friend or two and just do like a mystery science theater 3000 style thing where you’re just kind of riffing on the movie while you watch it i know i know actually a guy, um,
I probably wouldn’t care if I admit. So his name is Mike booty and he’s, he’s got a show called the midnight citizen. And, um, he’s, he did that. He actually did like a, um, a pilot. I don’t know what you’d call it. Maybe a pilot, like a local pilot for being a monster movie host. So he’s, he’s probably more in line with, uh, with you as far as age goes. And, and he’s a big, big fan of Joe Bob Briggs and, And so he, but he did a Joe Bob Briggs ish monster movie style, uh, like TV show for, um, access at the time. So, yeah. Interesting. A lot of possibilities out there. There is. And you probably like his show too. Midnight citizen at, uh, midnight citizen.com. I think. Okay. I’ll check that out. Well, I taught whoever’s listening. Yeah. I actually talked to him, not,
I talked to him probably about, I don’t know, four or five months ago. I did one of these. So let’s go. We’ve been all over the place here. Let’s get back to happy moment. That’s the way my brain works, Dan. We just meander. So let’s get back to the happy moment. Right? So you’ve got, you’ve got your a hundred shows going, right? And you’re moving forward. Is there, um, like, is there, um, things that on the horizon that you’re like, I want to do this. I want to do that. Kind of like you, you took on the challenge of doing, you know, monologue type shows. Is there any other challenges ahead for you? Uh, like as far as the podcast goes? Yeah. Well, I mean, you can talk about your life challenges sure everyone i’m fine with that too. Uh, I don’t know. I mean, like I, I enjoy having some kind of, uh, creative outlet. Um,
Whether that be podcasting, I like to write too. I’d like to do some kind of creative thing. Whatever form that ends up being, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll keep doing the podcast for a while. There’s a variety of things I’d like to try, I guess. When you talk about your writing, what do you like to write? Basically the same type of stuff that I read and watch, like mostly fantasy or horror-related stuff. I’ve got a few short stories I’ve written. Yeah, just that kind of thing. You know what would be interesting to me, and this is just popping in my head as we’re talking here, especially with the advent of AI and all of these tools that people use you know, you can get a hold of nowadays, right? Is it would be cool to me, like if you had a short story or something like that and you threw it in, so you see, you broke it into scenes and you threw it into AI and had it make something for you based on your words, visuals. Oh, okay. Hmm. Right. And so then, um, well, and then you could do a narrator or something. So, um,
that it wouldn’t be necessarily like having to have the actors talk, but you could have it be set to narration and then have the narration run in the back, you know, as part of the show. I think to me, going forward, that’s going to be a whole art form, right? We’re just at the cusp of it. And I mean, people use it, for kind of stupid stuff now. You know what I mean? Right. I mean, usually they’re trying to be funny or whatever. And so then they, you know, AI celebrities and things like that to do stuff that they wouldn’t normally be doing. But I can see that becoming, you know, I could see something like that being, you know, like a manga version or, you know, something like that where it’s very, could be very artistic in its visual potential.
representation, but then you’re the one who’s contributing to, you know, what that story is. Right, right. Yeah, that’s, that’s an interesting possibility. I know there’s a lot of people who are anti AI. I think there are a lot of people who like as you alluded to, kind of use it for nefarious purposes. I mean, I, I think there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Well, to me, all these things become tools, right? So it’s not going to go away. I mean, if anything, they keep cramming it down our throats. So there’s a concerted effort for AI to become something, right? But the interesting thing is what it becomes is not up to the people making it, but to the people using it.
And so, you know, if we use it in this way, there you go. You know what I’m saying? So recently, and this is going to be one of those silly ones. This is one of those stupid ones, not a creative thing like I’m telling you to do. But I’ve been doing, I did a few promos for static radio using an AI presenter. But here’s the stupid part. So what I did was I took… a, an annoying ad for, you know, there’s a game called Royal match that is on your phone, right? And it has all these ads for Royal match. I took a Royal match ad. I, I transcribed it and I replaced Royal match with static radio. And then I had a presenter read it. And so it’s, it’s this annoying ad for static radio for,
based on the annoying ad for a royal match. I don’t know if everybody’s going to get it, but to me it was funny. And I did a couple of those just for the sake of doing them because I had the idea. But that’s not a good use of AI. That’s a silly use. But I think that if you’re a creative person like yourself and you write these things, I think it would be really interesting because you don’t always have… I don’t know if you’re an illustrator or anything like that. I’m guessing not. Yeah, you’re shaking your head no. But if you’re not, then this tool gives you an illustrator really quickly, and then you can take an idea and make it into something fairly seamlessly with little friction. You don’t have to find somebody. You don’t have to befriend somebody and make them do your bidding completely.
in order to get something accomplished. And so I think that that is where AI, you know, excels. And then you can, you know, refine that if you want. At the very least, you know, it’s kind of like the, they used to, oh, I think they still do them. What are they called? I’m blanking on the name of it now. But they used to do these things, the sketches for movies, and they were called animatics, I think is what it was called. And then you would basically map out your movie in little frames that showed action, right? You’ll see a version of this if you watch any of the behind-the-scenes stuff for Star Wars. They did the whole speeder bikes through the forest with Star Wars action figures. Okay.
in order to get an idea of how they wanted to shoot it. Right. I think it is animatics, but anyway, and then there became a program called animatics that, that they would use. That was like a cartooning program or an animation program. And now, I mean, you have that, you can have, you can make the whole thing now without the animatic is the product. And that’s what I’m thinking, you know, going forward would be kind of cool. Yeah. I mean, it’s up to you. I’m not going to do it. Right. I’ve already got my own thing going here. But whenever we talked about that, that’s what I’m thinking. It would be kind of interesting to see something like that. Do you ever write for stage or anything like that? Or just mostly… Just for reading. Just for myself, mostly. I did have…
one short story that I wrote that I submitted to try and get it published but didn’t make it. We should try to do more than that. I actually know several people who are published authors, but they’re not famous or anything. Right. My intention was to kind of rework the story a little bit and try submitting it other places, but I just… I never got around to it, unfortunately. Well, again, that’s another thing. I was asking about the stage thing because there’s a guy I connected with. I don’t know his last name. I’m going to be embarrassing myself. Corcoran Entertainment is his show. I’ve been on there a few times and and he does stage plays and he’s in, um, up near nova Scotia, Canada. Um, but he, right, they do everything. They ride them and then they put them on at a playhouse up there. Um, and you know, it’s a whole thing and he just keeps doing it. So I just was curious because he’s a you know, nice guy and doing what he wants, doing creative stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And Bob, uh,
So while you were talking, something else I thought of, something that I think would be fun to try and also ties into an earlier question when you asked me about my most interesting episodes. Are you familiar with the movie London After Midnight? You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. Okay. But I’m familiar. I know the title. Yeah, so that was London After Midnight starring – Lon Chaney Sr. It’s a lost movie. It got destroyed in a fire in the 60s, so there is no complete version of it that exists, but they’ve kind of pieced together some of the footage to make as part of a movie. But that movie is, as of a few years ago, is now public domain. And a couple years ago, I was contacted by
a couple guys jack bowman and kenton Hall, they were working on an audio drama for london after midnight and uh that was that was just a really neat episode i did. And it kind of got me thinking uh you know, because after listening to um the audio drama they did for that movie, I was like, man, that’s kind of cool i i think that would be fun to try sometime, like just kind of, I mean, maybe not on a grand scale like that, but maybe just getting a few friends together and maybe try doing some kind of audio drama series. I think that’d be a lot of fun to try. I think so, too. It would be Garrison Keillor, obviously, Lake Wobegon Days and all that. His kind of bailiwick was to do those kind of things. But they were based on basically radio from the 30s and 40s, right?
before television really took over, they had a lot of those kinds of things and that’s where all his stuff was, uh, based on. Um, and so, yeah, I think so. And, you know, I hate, I hate to bring this up, Dan. I’ve actually done one of those. Oh, I’m actually done. What was it about? I done a couple of them. So, um, I did, well, one way, one is just a comedy thing. It was a ridiculous thing about, it was like a spoof of Star Trek, um, original series Star Trek and then and I I didn’t write it or anything. I was just a voice and and then I did some more with through Frank Nora’s group. There was a guy on there who was writing radio type plays. He used to run the Vic and Sade website which is an old radio show. And like from the 30s I think and anyway he did
he would write the script and he would send me lines and then I would just record my lines and send them back to him and he put it all together. And it was like a whole, um, you know, kind of world he created, uh, for all these characters. And, uh, I just did a couple of, uh, voices for that. Um, to me, I like the interaction in the live stuff. To me, I love to be like on a live one where everybody’s together, uh, on a call or something and you do your, you do your lines like a real, like a stage play. Right. Uh, and then have the sound effects and everything. And then, um, rather than having to be edited together and so forth, but, um, those two I did were all edited together, uh, pieces. They’d send me what they wanted me to, to do or do a funny voice or something. And then I would record and send it back. Um, and they’d piece it up, piece it all together. I, uh,
Here’s a weird story about that. So I have to travel every once in a while and I was running behind and I was in another city and I said I would do this, you know, I would do these line reads and record them and send them back for this Star Trek thing. And so I was, you know, in a city somewhere In the hotel, I didn’t have anything to do, so I decided I would do all my line readings. And so I’m doing them. I had equipment with me, and so I’m recording myself in the hotel room, and I’m being loud apparently because I had to yell or something. Anyway, the front desk called my room to check on me because I was doing impersonations and so forth and yelling.
And then my phone rings, which never happens in a hotel. I mean, unless you want a wake-up call. And this was like 11 o’clock at night or something. And they’re like, is everything okay in your room tonight? I’m like, yeah. And then I’m like, oh, it dawns on me. Okay, I sound crazy. Somebody must have walked by my door and heard me. And they’re like, something weird’s going on in room 34. Yeah. So yeah, I got, they, yeah. So then I decided not to do that anymore. That’s really cool you got to do it though. Yeah, no, I mean, I’ll do them, but I just not going to record in the hotel anymore. But no, I think that’s fantastic. And, and, you know, I would, obviously I’ve, you know, done a show for a while and,
And I always encourage people. I think that this is something that, you know, nowadays, you know, in the past you would like go take a class or, you know, there’s this thing called Toastmasters to learn how to speak in front of an audience and to organize your thoughts and, you know, keep the flow going. I think this is better than any of that is to, because you’re not, it’s not mandated, right? It’s not homework or anything. You’re talking about things you want to talk about and you’re getting this practice. And so, yeah, I think that that is the way to, plus it’s so creative. It’s such a creative outlet for people. And I always encourage everybody that, you know, life’s too short for working all the time. You got to do something that you really enjoy. And even if it doesn’t, you know, it’s not a,
bestseller or any of that stuff doesn’t matter. You do it for yourself. It’s just like, you know, you gotta eat you gotta drink something. So you gotta do something creative. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I agree 100 with you so dan uh i got on the screen here for the youtube channel, a happy moment podcast and uh i mean everybody go take a look at anything else you want to impart us with before we finish up? I just wanted to mention one more thing as far as the writing goes. I did have a couple of cool moments with that. A happy moment? A happy moment with my writing, yeah. I want to say it was 2019. The local writers group was having a fan fiction contest and
And I entered that in one first place. Oh, good. So that was pretty cool. And then there was, around the same time, there was another contest that the library did where you had to write a one-page story based off of a historical photo. And I was one of the stories that got chosen for that, and they displayed them around the museum, so… What was your photo? Was it a photo that you took? Oh, it’s a historical photo. It was a black and white photo of an older guy standing next to a little girl that was riding a horse. With the stuff that I’m interested in, I had to put my own dark twist on it. I did a story about how the Uh, the old man was like the, the caretaker for these horses. And, uh, the little girl was this spoiled brat and she was mean to this horse and her parents were rich. So she had the, the horse put down. Oh no, that’s horrible. Yeah. And of course, you know, that, that broke the old man’s heart. Um, so he was tasked with going out and finding a new horse for the little girl. Uh,
And, you know, of course, in the back of his mind, he has what, uh, what was likely to happen to the horse where she’d probably get upset again and have her parents, you know, do something horrible to it. So he goes out and he finds the the meanest nastiest horse that he can. And he gets back to the, to the little girl. And when she asked what the horse’s name is, he says, karma. And that’s the end of the story. Oh my God. And then she got thrown from the horse. Now it’s up to us to finish the next phase of the story. Use your imagination. Yeah. And she broke both her arms. So I’ve had a few victories with my writing. To me, that’s like almost Twilight Zone-ish, right? Wouldn’t you say? That’s like a Twilight Zone twist kind of a thing to it there.
Yeah. Like I can’t not write something and not include like some kind of like darkness into it. Oh my gosh. Well, the revelation right here at the end of the show, we’re going to come up with your new name is going to be dark Dan and you’re going to host a horror show. Hey, there you go. Tonight’s episode is going to be about, little Christina and how she mistreats animals and how it comes back to haunt her. I like it. Well, Dan, thanks for being here with me tonight. And everybody check out Dan’s stuff, Happy Moment Podcast. You can find it all over the place, but specifically on YouTube at Happy Moment Podcast. And we’ll look forward to more good stuff from you Dan and you know we will have to work on a
an ai story rendering or something. There’s got to be something out there for that so it’s been a it’s been an honor to be on the show. Thank you so much for having me. All right. We’ll see everybody next time. Dan, hold on just a second.