In this episode:
Jill touches on her three non-negotiables: balanced sleep, whole foods and movement. She teaches how even a beginner can use these foundation stones to make small changes toward better health.
Jill offers guidance on how to add good habits to our existing routines through the stacking method and reveals her number one inspiring resource for changing our habits.
Jill also gets personal and shares how six years ago, after struggling with extreme anxiety, she had an aha moment that prompted her to finally do the joyful work of taking care of herself.
We’ll talk about the difference between discipline and motivation, where she sees people get hung up when trying to create a healthy lifestyle, eating in season and much more!
Join this enlightening discussion to gain new motivation to care for your body from a whole new perspective of eat to move vs. diet and exercise. You don’t want to miss this wealth of information!
Nourish by Jill
Nourish by Jill Instagram
NOTES: Final 12 minutes of episode (Nutritional Coach Jill Thompson)
There is a difference between Dieting and Exercising vs Eating and Training. When we eat and train, we think of food and movement differently. When we are training we are working toward something that we want to achieve and it becomes exciting and exhilarating, marking progress because we have a purpose, we have a why. With eating, we will want to eat properly because we want to feel good to train.
Have a goal! Senior olympics, a mountain we want to climb, a bike ride we'd like to do.
We can have our sights set on longevity and living a really healthy lifestyle that allows us to do the things we want to do. Having goals that are small or big, will give us something to work towards, to train for.
Food as fuel- what are we fueling our bodies for? What is our goal? What are we training for?
As we age, especially as women, we lose muscle mass. Past 30 years old, we lose 3-5% muscle mass per decade. We need to move more and sit less. Jill knows women who are afraid to bulk, but we need not be afraid of building a little muscle because muscle mass is a huge determiner for: metabolic rate, ability to take in and use glucose, balance, coordination, injury prevention, aging, improving your mood, bone density, cognitive abilities, and more.
Adults today, BASELINE, need 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week plus muscle strengthening at least 2x per week.
Help women understand how their health and wellness journey can start and can get momentum and how they can start to thrive in their own bodies.
Develop a sense of gratitude each and every day. Show gratitude for the food that we have, the ability to eat, commune with others. Eat MORE fruit and vegetables. Make fruits and vegetables the all stars of your meals. And move, every single day, just get up and do something, just start! Let discipline be the thing that happens, not motivation, don't wait for it. Movement is your medicine and it will help you in every single aspect of your life.
1. In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
2. Seasonal Food Guide
3. Atomic Habits by James Clear