Share StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers
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By Arti
66 ratings
The podcast currently has 150 episodes available.
Varsha Vashisht speaks her mind, calmly and clearly. Just the way girls her age and of her social background were not supposed to. When Surendra Verma created her character in 1993, little could he have known that Varsha would continue to speak to women years after her character was born on the pages of “Mujhe Chand Chahiye”. For Varsha takes ‘birth’ not as an infant but as a teenaged girl, who decides she doesn’t want the humdrum life that everyone around her leads and so must create a life for herself. One that is of her own liking.
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Ali Akbar Natiq was born in a village in the Punjab province of Pakistan, where he received his initial education. Later due to financial constraints he started to work as a mason, and became skilled at building domes, mosques and minarets. His love for education,
अली अकबर नातिक़ का जन्म पाकिस्तान के पंजाब के ओकारा ज़िले में हुआ था ।
When two literary giants meet, not in person but in a common creative playground called ‘translation’, the results are always interesting and satisfying. Oscar Wilde’s short story “ The Devoted Friend” is a satire about a friendship that is anything but nurturing or even reciprocal. Dharamvir Bharti translates without losing any nuance and makes the story his own.
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The stories of losing home are the most profoundly disturbing. Yet these “stories” are the reality of millions of people across the world, everyday. Today there are over 117.3 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. We forget and we repeat ad infinitum the same patterns of greed, revenge and loss. And yet, in the
अपने घर से विस्थापित हो जाने की कहानी सिर्फ़ एक दर्दनाक कहानी नहीं। ये
If Premchand was looking down from the heavens above at school kids across Hindi speaking India, reading the same two or three stories of his, with the teacher blaring ‘morals’ at the end of class, he would be appalled. In popular imagination over the last seventy five years, Premchand’s writing has come to mean stories set against a depressing poverty stricken rural backdrop, melodramatic stories with intense emotions …and nothing could be farther from the truth. We have done a huge disservice to Premchand and to literature in general by relegating him to textbooks and impassive classroom lectures.
In the brilliantly written biography of his father Amrit Rai talks not only about Premchand’s works but places him in the socio-cultural context of his time, drawing from a variety of sources. In doing so we see a 360 degree Premchand- writer, activist, progressive, satirist, husband and father.
स्वर्गवासी प्रेमचंद अगर ऊपर आसमान से हिंदी भाषी भारत भर के स्कूली बच्चों को उनकी वही दो या तीन कहानियाँ पढ़ते देख रहे होते, और देखते की कैसे शिक्षक कक्षा के अंत में कैसे 'नैतिकता' का ढिंढोरा पीट रहे हैं, तो वे चकित रह जाते। पिछले पचहत्तर वर्षों में लोकप्रिय कल्पना में, प्रेमचंद के लेखन का अर्थ निराशाजनक, गरीबी से त्रस्त ग्रामीण पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित कहानियाँ हैं ... लेकिन ये बात सच्चाई से बहुत दूर है हमने प्रेमचंद को पाठ्य पुस्तकों और भावहीन कक्षा व्याख्यानों तक सीमित करके आम तौर पर प्रेमचंद और साहित्य के प्रति बहुत बड़ा अहित किया है।
अपने पिता की शानदार ढंग से लिखी गई जीवनी में अमृत राय न केवल प्रेमचंद के रचनाशिल्प के बारे में बात करते हैं, बल्कि विभिन्न स्रोतों से उन्हें अपने समय के सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक संदर्भ में रखते हैं। ऐसा करते हुए हमें प्रेमचंद की एक संपूर्ण तस्वीर देखने को मिलती है- प्रेमचंद लेखक, कार्यकर्ता, प्रगतिशील, व्यंग्यकार, पति और पिता के रूप में।
मुंशी प्रेमचंद का जीवन परिचय :
हिन्दी के सुपरिचित लेखक, कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार व आलोचक राजेंद्र यादव हिन्दी साहित्य में ‘नयी कहानी आंदोलन' के संस्थापक माने जाते हैं। मुंशी प्रेमचन्द द्वारा सन् 1930 में स्थापित साहित्यिक पत्रिका ‘हंस’ जो की सन् 1953 में बन्द हो गयी थी, के पुनर्प्रकाशन की बाग डोर राजेंद्र यादव जी ने सँभाली और उसे प्रेमचन्द की जयन्ती के दिन 31 जुलाई 1986 को पुनः प्रारम्भ किया था।
#hindisahitya #sahitya #kahani #Kahaniyan #satire #story #storytelling
Sahitya Akademi and Vyas Aamman awardee Nasira Sharma pens a poignant story of how amidst mindless violence and bleak poverty, humanity sprouts in small gestures and kind words.
Vijaydan Detha, popularly knowne as “Bijji”, spent several decades collecting folk stories from in and around his village Borunda in rajasthan. In their retelling his stories straddled myths and legends, reality and fantasy, observation and a commentary on the world of his beloved Rajasthan.
His work received national and international acclaim – he was awarded the Padma Shri, the Rajasthan Ratna Award and the Sahitya Akademi Award among various others.
विजयदान देथा, जिन्हें "बिज्जी" के नाम से जाना जाता है, ने राजस्थान में अपने गाँव बोरुंदा और उसके आसपास से लोक कहानियाँ एकत्र करने में कई दशक बिताए। उनकी कहानियों में मिथक और किंवदंतियाँ, वास्तविकता और कल्पना, अवलोकन और उनके प्रिय राजस्थान पर एक टिप्पणी शामिल है।
उनके काम को राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रशंसा मिली - उन्हें कई अन्य पुरस्कारों के अलावा पद्म श्री, राजस्थान रत्न पुरस्कार और साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया।
Beta Kiska? - Vijaydan Detha
Translation: Kailash Kabir बेटा किसका ? - विजयदान देथा अनुवाद - कैलाश कबीर
Many of his stories and novels have been adapted for the stage and the
Love is a complex emotion. One that few have been able to understand, let alone explain. Mannu Bhandari delves into the mind of a young woman at crossroads, as she tries to untangle the emotions she feels for the two men in her life.There are few love stories as candid and powerful as this one. The story was made into a memorable film by Basu Chatterjee, ‘Rajnigandha’
मुग़लों ने अपनी सल्तनत अंग्रेज़ों को कब और कैसे बक्शी, ये जानिए गप्पबाज़
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The podcast currently has 150 episodes available.
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