The Idlib balance of power is threatened as the last rebellion holdout in Syria by threatened by conflicting and complex interests. There is a current cease-fire, but as the "Battle for Idlib" is the last stand against the Syrian regime's sovereignty, it seems only a matter of time until violence breaks out once again. This an extraordinary Civil war which has attracted the strategic and tactical interests of Iran, Turkey, and Russia, bringing the conflict to the attention of NATO and other European multilateral alliances. With so much tension spread so far wide, the question really is, when will the cease-fire collapse. and who stands to benefit from what outcomes may eventuate?
To discuss these issues, we’ll be joined today by SAGE International Australia’s Dr. Imad Harb. Dr Harb is the Director of Research and Analysis at the Arab Center Washington DC. He is also Senior Non-Resident Fellow Greater Middle East for SAGE International Australia (SIA) as well as Member of the SIA Advisory Board. Dr Harb often commentates on Middle Eastern issues for the US and international media.
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