Last season, I covered Anne Helen Peterson's article: "How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation" and Tiana Clark's response about burnout in the black community. That made me think about all of the ways that our identities intersect with how we experience work, fatigue, and everything in between. So this season, I'll be interviewing people to talk about burnout from diverse perspectives. I'm so excited to start with this interview with my friends Katie and Ali here in Salt Lake City. We talk about queerness, pride, and how being out can affect your work-life.
We'll also talk about ways to address burnout and the largest systemic problems that cause it.
One way is to donate to Rest for Resistance.
Run by the organization QTPOC Mental Health , "Rest for Resistance strives to uplift marginalized communities, those who rarely get access to adequate health care or social support. This includes Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Pacific Islander, Asian, Middle Eastern, and multiracial persons.
We also seek to create healing space for LGBTQIA+ individuals, namely trans & queer people of color, as well as other stigmatized groups such as sex workers, immigrants, persons with physical and/or mental disabilities, and those living at the intersections of all of the above.
Our team of editors, seven trans people of color, seek to honor each contributor's vision and individual perspective in order to create space for raw experiences that are too often silenced. Interested in contributing? Feel free to reach out with writing and art portfolios."
As always, let me know what you think of the episode and any questions or resources you want to share!
Maeve @vegandthecity @takesometimeoffpodcast
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