Today on Talk Talent to Me, you’ll hear from a workforce futurist, design thinking practitioner, keynote speaker, Chief Learning Officer at Archwell, and founder of the Archwell Academy, Dr. Keith Keating about the value of learning as a transformational tool, regardless of your vocation. While he doesn’t have the traditional recruiting background of many of our guests, Dr. Keating faces many of the same challenges and works closely with talent acquisition professionals to connect learning strategy with business strategy. In this episode, Dr. Keating describes the key skills that learning and development professionals need to drive value for their organizations and unlock human potential. We also discuss what it takes to create a “true talent ecosystem,” the importance of what Dr. Keating calls futures literacy, how talent pros can emerge as strategic business partners rather than order-takers, and more. By understanding the concepts of transferrable skills and the power of embracing a lifelong learning mindset, Dr. Keating believes that we can take control of our future.
Key Points From This Episode:
An overview of Dr. Keating’s experience and how he landed his role at Archwell Holdings.
How growing up a military brat impacted his education and made him more agile.
The pivotal moment when he found his passion in what was previously “just a job.”
Why Dr. Keating believes that learning is a powerful tool for transformation.
The need for a strong connection between L&D, talent development, and recruitment.
Reasons that a lot of talent professionals don’t think long-term.
Why “futures literacy” is a core skill that everyone should be developing.
Dr. Keating’s research-focused approach to meeting future business needs.
His best strategic advice for talent professionals: build your own table.
How talent professionals can become trusted learning advisors.
“Talent is talent is talent, whether we’re recruiting it, onboarding it, or managing [it].” — Dr. Keith Keating [0:01:57]
“Once you learn how to learn, your future is unstoppable.” — Dr. Keith Keating [0:11:51]
“There should always be a strong connection between learning development, talent development, and [recruitment] because we can help define the skills that are needed in the roles.” — Dr. Keith Keating [0:14:34]
“Futures literacy is not about predicting the future, which people often try to do – Futures literacy is about planning for possible futures.” — Dr. Keith Keating [0:21:45]
“For far too long, we’ve let people who are not talent practitioners [or] learning experts dictate how they find our talent, what type of talent to bring on, how we educate, train, and upskill our talent, but that’s our area of expertise. ” — Dr. Keith Keating [0:32:57]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Dr. Keith Keating
The Trusted Learning Advisor
Dr. Keith Keating on LinkedIn
Talk Talent to Me