I spent the first 28 years of my life not being true to myself.
I needed others to tell me it was ok to be me.
I was waiting for others to fully accept me so I could fully accept myself.
My safety came from external shit like people and control.
And because I am human, I still have bits of this left.
But as long as we rely on the external for safety, we will always feel unsteady.
How can you fully be yourself if you're waiting for everyone to approve?
News flash, you can't avoid rejection.
The past 2 months have been full of changes, heartbreak and transformation for me.
And because my self worth is rooted in unconditional love from God, I'm good.
I am safe because I have FAITH. And that faith is unwavering.
You deserve to feel safe.
You deserve to feel accepted.
You deserve to make it happen for yourself!
Schedule a call with me sis. Don't wait another minute :)