If you have found yourself on this page, you have been invited to and accepted an invitation to The 40-Day FORGE.
I want to congratulate you because you are about to embark on a journey that could literally be life-changing if you let it.
As a golfer, you likely understand the concept of “FORGING.”
In relation to golf clubs, it’s the process of taking a solid piece of metal, sticking it in a blazing hot furnace, and banging it into shape (typically using an extremely high-powered mechanical press).
It is then ground and smoothed out to perfection, producing the most solid and consistently strong version to perform on the course.
Before golf clubs, FORGING was a craft performed by blacksmiths, often known for their production of weapons and tools such as knives and swords.
In a similar fashion, these craftsmen would heat the metal to a point where it could be shaped and molded, repeatedly beating the blazing red hot metal with a hammer until all of the edges became both sharp and smooth.
The process can look rather barbaric and brutal, but the results are often spectacular.
This is exactly what The 40-Day FORGE is designed to do for you. Sharpen your edges through a series of repetitive challenges that will ultimately make you stronger on and off the golf course.
Let’s face it. Golf is not a sport that REQUIRES you to be in peak physical condition.
It’s not a game where mental mistakes are going to create life or death consequences. It’s just a game. And it’s a game that can be played by just about anyone, in any shape, and at just about any age.
On one hand, that is amazing. It’s one of the reasons so many of us love it and makes it completely unique.
But on the other hand, this can also be a curse of the game.
When you’re able to “get by” out on the course by being in OK shape it can be very easy to get complacent with our fitness level and taking care of ourselves.
Knowing that “it’s just a game” gives us an excuse to be lazy with our focus and mental errors.
Let’s be honest. It’s easy to get soft.
It’s easy to simply accept the fact that as the years pass us by, our bodies just aren’t going to look and feel the way they did 5, 10, 20 years ago.
That’s just normal, right?
Or is that just what you’ve been telling yourself?
That is why you are here.
The FORGE is here to challenge that narrative you’ve been telling yourself, and prove to you that with some direction, serious commitment, and daily action, you don’t have to tell yourself the same old story.
Our bodies and our minds are amazing in ways that we can’t even comprehend.
And most of us are taking that for granted, repeating the mantras that “I don’t have time,” . . . “I don’t know what to do,” . . . or “I’ll start tomorrow.”
Well, this is your opportunity to prove to yourself that those things aren’t true.
You see, we don’t have an “I don’t know what to do” problem, we simply have an “I’m not doing anything” problem.
This is your chance to STOP SEARCHING AND START DOIN...