Known as the Cardi B of the personal development world, Erika Cramer aka The Queen of Confidence is a full-flavoured, spicy, fiery, inspirational speaker and mentor to thousands of women across the globe. She helps empower, encourage and inspire them to step into their confidence.
👑How much does your external image impact your confidence? We explore the nuances of external self love, using beauty products, clothes, filters and the "inner wardrobe".
👑Why challenges, doubt, fear and discomfort are all essential aspects of fierce confidence.
👑Why Erika believes mothers should EMBODY their own happiness, instead of sacrificing their whole identity for their children.
👑Judging others and the fear of being judged - how to stop letting it stop you from continually evolving.
👑Why rock bottoms are an opportunity to rise and ascend. Erika shares why rock bottoms often allow true healing, growth and self-realisation to happen.
👑Key tips and super juicy advice for women in business - how mindset and confidence are intrinsically linked, how you handle the NO's and rejections, plus how to get those YES's!
🎙️If you’d like help starting and growing your own podcast: WITH AMY...👉Instagram:👉Website:👉Community - Honeys Who Heal:
Connect with Erika...
Instagram @thequeenofconfidence
Facebook @Theconfidentqueen
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