Does your work feel like Drudgery?
Have you lost the passion you once had?
Work feels like an endless to-do list of unrelated tasks.
WELCOME! This Episode is for you!
We all get to that place – and need fresh perspective.
The podcast is about – Growing You, Growing Your Business
I have a line in my intro – you just heard it – “A business will never grow bigger than the person who leads it – You”
You the leader have the power to decide – to Choose – what your business or organization will focus on.
To Not choose is to choose
Not just about Business – About Your Work
Your “serve people and change the world work”
All great businesses serve people – they serve people with their work.
Work is not a 4-letter word that ends in K – OK it is but it is not a cuss word.
It’s a beautiful word.
I believe God created each of us for work – serving others. Serving others and not our selves adds meaning to life
BUT, – – – and this is the point of the podcast – IF we’re not careful – if we’re going too fast – our work becomes drudgery. We get in a hurry and lose all Margin.
We have to Regain our Margin to focus on our Mission
I want to refresh your Vision for your work – to look at the Big mission You are on
“We’re on a mission from God”
-Blues Brother – Jake and Elroy
Slow down and Think about Your business and/or your Work
Maybe you don’t have a business – But you have a Work.
How do I know that? Bc God said so
I call it your Eph 2:10 work
“We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good work, which He prepared in advance for us to do”
If that offends you – maybe this is not the episode for you – Tune in next week…
But it is the truth as I have experienced it in nearly 40 years of following Christ
The point is…Will all have this work – again whether or not you have a business… BUT we can Miss it bc we get so busy.
We get Busy and we lose Perspective.
We never have been challenged with a Bigger Vision for our life –
I have a talk – Your Best Work, the Best Way and it starts like this:
Hi my name is Brad and I’m a recovering Technician.
Nice! This is going to be a good day. I feel it. Safe Place. The talk is to Business Leaders and my goal is to make a giant shift in their thinking – In Their Perspective.
From thinking about themselves as Employees of their business – or technicians.
Business Owners – Leaders
I read a business book about 30 years ago that changed my PERSPECTIVE about how business should work
Here is Big Idea of the Book:
“STOP going to work in your business…go to work on it”
Working IN your business only – can become drudgery
Working ON it is Vision – so that you are working on the Right Thing!
That is a huge Perspective Shift for business leaders.
And that is what You are!
You are here, listening to this, because you are a Leader I am going to ask you to make a couple of huge Perspective Shifts
You are the Experts in your work –
I am not asking you to do your work DifferentlyMORE I am asking All of US to THINK about our work differently.The podcast IS NOT ABOUT the work of DOING…It is about the work of THINKING
We are going to ask Big questions like…
I gave this talk to an amazing group of Salvation Army leaders
They’re amazing and do life-changing work – but bc of the year 2020 – many of them were experiencing drudgery –
??? Is your work connected to the Mission of The Salvation Army?
The Mission of The Salvation Army
TSA, an international movement…
IS an evangelical part of the universal Christian church
It’s message is based on the bible
It’s ministry is motivated by the Love of God
It’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. ??? Do You have a sense that your WORK, is connected to that Mission?
If YES – then you are doing your BEST WORK!
Your Best Work is connected to Mission.
Here is another quote that really helped me…
“It’s not enough to do your best, you must know what to do and then do your best” – Demings
TO OUR BEST WORK!An attitude toward or way of regarding something – A point of viewDo you see the rectangles – the circles?
As we begin this day, I am asking you to be Open to seeing your work from a Different Perspective.
…there are some CIRCLES IN YOUR WORK, that you are missing.
You are All About the Rectangles!!! “Well Of course My Work is about Rectangles – can’t you see how many there are – and they all need ATTENTION, my attention, Right Now!”
But what about the Circles?
The Rectangles are URGENT!
The Circles are IMPORTANT…
THE Rectangles are Obvious and scream for your attention – the TASKS
The Circles, not so much. They are the VISION
Listen – it takes time and Intention to see the circles
That is what our goal is.
To look at our Work with Fresh Eyes – asking God to help us see things we have not seen before
Ask, “God, what is my Best Work”
That’s introduction – Part 2 is about how to find the Margin
Without the Margin to THINK and Slow Down – you will never get the perspective you need
Coffee photo created by wayhomestudio