Have you ever asked how you fit into your brand? Whether you should be a part of it, or whether you should keep things focused on your clients or offerings?
You are part of your brand. It’s the nature of the beast.
You’re the one who had the idea, the one who did the work to build it, and the driving force behind its growth.
Which means your brand is based on you. Your personality. Your quirks. Your traits.
And sometimes, your bad traits might show up in your brand without realizing it.
We’re all people. We all have bad traits. And those traits are not always a good thing to bring over into our business. They can hurt our brand’s reputation.
But when we’re aware of our bad traits and make a plan to keep them at bay in our business, we’re much more likely to succeed at building a business with good values and habits.
Your personality, you, also show up in your brand in the tone you use. To speak. To write. To comment on others’ content.
It’s how you connect with your ideal clients.
Which means you need to use a tone that resonates with them.
Sometimes that’s easy, but sometimes you have to work at it.
That’s why I’m walking you through an exercise you can use to define your brand tone and help you stick to it in all of your future content. To keep your brand tone consistent for years to come.
Because your tone is one of those things that people respond to without consciously realizing it. And you should always be aware of that and use it to your advantage to connect with your clients.
You shouldn’t be afraid to let yourself show in your brand. You shouldn’t hold back from speaking and writing the way you naturally do. It will give your clients insight into the personality behind the brand.
Which is you.
What We’re Talking About on This Episode:
* The two things that made your brand possible* How your brand takes on your personality traits* Planning ahead for the bad traits* How your tone shows up in your brand* How to choose the tone that resonates with your ideal clients* Should you say “I” or “we” when you’re talking to people about your brand?
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