In this episode, Rod and Lesley take care of some unfinished business. Last week's discussion on emotions wasn't quite complete, and then the superbowl happened, giving a great example of emotions on display. No, this isn't some click bait reference to Rod's favourite power pop/football couple. (notice no names are mentioned in the episode title). For anyone who was watching the big game, uncle Travy had a little angry outburst towards his coach, that was then dissected in detail on sports shows, and memes, and then on his podcast with the king of Philly, brother Jason.
And in this high profile bro Kelce deep dive into the sharing of emotions, we find the point that Rod and Lesley are trying to make. It is a nuanced one, so you might want to listen to this episode a few times to catch it. When you do, you'll see that our emotional sides are key to finding who we are as individuals and (like many things), advice for one person might be the exact opposite advice to another. The point is to explore what matters to you, and do it with others to help you have perspective.