Renowned menstrual educator Sinu Joseph joins me in this episode to discuss her fascinating book - Rtu Vidyā: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices.
You might be wondering how menstruation is a spiritual topic? Sinu’s book takes a deep dive into explaining the scientific and logical reasons behind how spiritual practices impact female physiology. An understanding of the science behind menstrual practices can help women prevent menstrual difficulties, develop a positive attitude towards menstruation, and learn how to work in sync with nature’s cycles. This book was an eye-opening read, and I encourage you to listen with an open mind.
In this episode we specifically talk about:
Prana, and why entering temples and chanting mantras is a no, no during menstruation.
Sinu explains why there are no mantras women can chant during menstruation. I was very surprised by the answers, particularly on the breakdown on the chanting of Om 🕉, and the very specific ways women of menstruating age should pronounce Om: A-U-M vs O-M.
The word Rtu is a Sankrit word that’s means both seasons and menstruation. Sinu explains how this is not a coincidence.
How prana (upward energetic force) and apana (downward energetic force) affects the female body when we practice mantra, yoga and athletic activities engaging against gravity like gymnastics, swimming or if you happen to be a female fighter pilot. These practices can lead to endometriosis.
Interesting fact: Men have to spend many, many years practicing yoga and meditation to attain an equivalent amount of spiritual energy as a woman. What comes energetically and spiritually naturally to women simply by virtue of menstruating.
How your Ayurvedic dosha (the body’s constitution) affects the way you menstruate. And how lifestyle and diet also affect our periods.
How a Western women might apply this ancient wisdom to living a modern life, particularly sportswomen. This episode mentions several Sankrit words that may not be familiar. Please visit the episode show page at for a mini glossary of words, explanations and information on everything discussed. Ep. #51 Sinu Joseph.
About Sinu: Sinu Joseph is a menstrual educator, an author, a three-time TEDx speaker and one of the pioneers of the menstrual health movement in India. Her work on menstruation has been unique in its efforts of unearthing the ancient science behind native menstrual practices and bringing forth a narrative which is the Bharatiya perspective (an important dharma, and collective action, culture, or faith) on menstruation. She is the cofounder and Managing Trustee of Mythri Speaks, and also works with The Forward Foundation.
She started her work in the developmental space as a part time volunteer in 2009, and gradually took up leadership roles on various issues such as healthcare, women’s health & safety, action-research on native sciences and culture, rural development and urban civic issues such as waste management and lake rejuvenation. She completed B.E. Instrumentation Technology, from M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology in the year 2005 - Rtu Vidya course