Erin Judge (IamErinJudge and is a comic with a new album out everywhere you get those, “It’s Romantic Comedy: Live at the Ripped Bodice.” We talk about Ina Garten. The career, the life, the recipes. So fun.
It's December and that means I ask you NOT to donate to The Dork Forest, but to donate to your local food bank instead. will have you put your zip code in OR... if you have the google skills... or you live outside the US... GOOGLE "food bank" and the name of your Town/City. January I'll ask you for money for the show again. Nov and Dec ... donate to a local food bank!! Yay dorks.
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THERE IS NEW MERCH: BEES TSHIRT and BEANIES. I’m Made of BEES. Are you? is the direct. and have so many other things.
Extra TDF / standup and a storytelling album are available here:
Lots of stuff here:
And it's @jackiekashian on all the social mediaz.
Audio and Video by Patrick Brady
Music is by Mike Ruekberg
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