When you control your money, you grow your confidence. In this episode of The Hayley Osborne Show, I had the pleasure of chatting with Erin Davis, a private coaching client of mine. Erin and I had a fabulous conversation about how you can overcome your financial fears as business owners, build financial confidence, and create financial wellness along the way.
Together we agree that when you’re in control of your money, everything else inside your business is much easier and walk taller, are much more confident in your decisions which therefore helps you to step into your true self in the way you market your business to the rest of the world. It all stems from these fundamental foundations. You can find Erin at https://www.erindavis.com.au/ Or you can step into my world the way Erin has leaned in and join me in my new 4 week experience, Superhero Storytelling. Sharpen your pencils and unfold your capes as we prepare to take off on a creative adventure. It’s time you create the confidence you need in your messaging and understand the power in your story. My proven, storytelling framework will reignite your origins story which in turn creates a better foundation for your audience to know you, like you and trust you. When they trust you, they buy from you. Take a peek at: www.superherostorytelling.com to learn more, enrolment is open, and I can't wait to see you power up your storytelling and leverage your small business story for a big impact. We start June 11 2024. I’D LOVE US TO CONNECT: • I have a new free masterclass where you can learn "How to plan, elevate and optimise your social media". This is the strategy you need to help you get started at www.hayleyosborne.com • Instagram: @hayleykosborne • Facebook: /hayleyosborne • Website: hayleyosborne.com