The IMPORTANT Difference Between "Contending For the Faith" and CONTENTION

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Speaking Truth in a Niceness Culture: A Discussion with Jeff BordersTune in to our engaging conversation with Jeff Borders, author of 'The Antichrist Playbook,' as we explore the vital role of truth in the life of a believer. 📔 In this episode, we address common misconceptions about what it means to be Christlike, emphasizing the necessity of speaking truth with love and integrity. Our discussion covers practical ways to resist the temptation to conform to societal norms that conflict with religious teachings. 🛡️ We also highlight the importance of community and support in fostering an environment where open and honest discussions about faith can thrive. Whether you're facing challenges in your personal life or within your community, this video provides actionable insights to help you navigate these situations with wisdom and courage. 🌱⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️:00:00:00 - Introduction to Antichrist Playbook Launch Event00:02:10 - Contending with Truth in a Contentious World00:04:23 - Navigating Church Issues and Social Challenges00:06:29 - Balancing Niceness Culture with Gospel Truths00:08:36 - Addressing LGBTQ and Socialism in the Church00:10:38 - Correcting Doctrinal Errors in Church Settings00:12:49 - Speaking Up Against Ideologies in the Church00:14:46 - The Importance of Speaking Truth Boldly00:16:55 - Counterfeit Christlike Love and Harmful Ideologies00:19:02 - Advice for Youth on Doctrine and Advocacy00:21:10 - Balancing Social Conservatism and Liberalism00:23:15 - Hollywood's Perception and Reality of Conservatism00:25:19 - Inspiring Others to Raise Their Voices00:27:23 - Practical Advice for Contending Faithfully00:29:31 - Conclusion and Gift Ideas from Ward Radio⚡If you want a copy of "The Anti-Christ Playbook" and WANT TO ATTEND the launch party on March 7th, at 7:00pm in Orem Utah, please purchase tickets for the event here, and the book (and a shirt) will be INCLUDED: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/plainandpreciouspublishing/1595932If you CANNOT attend the launch party and just want a copy of the book, use this link here: https://plainandpreciouspublishing.com/products/the-antichrist-playbookTo Order Jonah's Book, "The Key to the Keystone" visit the following link and use coupon Code: WARDRADIO https://tinyurl.com/Key-to-the-KeystoneFor 10% off Plain and Precious Publishing Books, visit plainandpreciouspublishing.com and use Coupon Code: WARDRADIO⚡For free trial of Scripture Notes please visit the following link!: https://scripturenotes.com/?via=wardradio

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WARD RADIOBy Cardon Ellis

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