With Jake Randall, Chief Operating Officer at Common Room
As COO of an early-stage company, Jake Randall understands the importance of building community and solving complex problems with listening and empathy.
In fact, that’s exactly how Common Room came about. Common Room is an intelligent, community-led platform that helps businesses deepen their relationships, build better products, and drive impact for their customers.
As Jake points out, companies often try to solve their most complex problems in silos. By pausing to listen to internal teammates and external customers, you become better equipped to overcome your community’s greatest challenges, wherever that community resides. And when you leverage platforms like Common Room, you can gather impactful, qualitative data about the problems people are solving and the strategies they’re using to solve them.
As Jake puts it, “Customer empathy is our No. 1 value. Everyone has a community; [they’re] just not always listening.” Find the people who are talking about the problem you’re trying to solve. Then, find a better way of solving it.
Empathy and awareness extend beyond an organization’s thought leaders and industry experts. Customers want to feel listened to, too. Focus on customers’ greatest needs and their biggest challenges, Jake says. Then, scale that approach as you begin to tackle today’s biggest economic and industry-related challenges.
What’s next? Speaking like a true innovator and problem solver, Jake says, “Remain agile.” Don’t make the mistake of trying to solve the same problem with the same solution over and over again. If it’s not working, find a new way. Test, pivot, execute. The rest will fall into place.
Jake and Jen talk about:
- Building community to nurture authentic connections (3:12)
- How collective problem-solving breeds collaboration (8:19)
- “Everyone has a community; you’re just not listening” (14:32)
- How to mitigate risk and prepare for shifts in your industry (25:32)
- What? So what? Now what? Leading with authenticity and building trust with your team (29:09)