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By Marie Manuchehri
174174 ratings
The podcast currently has 878 episodes available.
Marie talks about the 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy. During Q&A she answers listener questions about family members passing suddenly, giving a marriage a second chance, creating close relationships in life, osteoporosis, finding your soul’s calling, multisensory experiences, body pain, migraines, and suicide.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - The 2nd chakra and its relationship to joy
07:24 - Q&A begins - Kim’s ?s about her jewelry biz and daughter’s passing
09:22 - Marie's answer for Kim
13:32 - Susan’s ? about giving her husband a 2nd chance
16:23 - Marie's answer for Susan
19:37 - Ritu’s ? about why her father passed suddenly
21:48 - Marie's answer for Ritu
24:08 - Vivian’s ? about finding/creating close relationships in life
24:46 - Marie's answer for Vivian
26:49 - Jeanne’s ? about her osteoporosis and mediumship request
27:45 - Marie's answer for Jeanne
30:38 - Lisa’s ? about her career and finding her soul’s calling
31:40 - Marie's answer for Lisa
32:47 - Mark’s ? about multisensory experiences
33:29 - Marie's answer for Mark
34:29 - Julie’s ? about body pain and migraines
35:27 - Marie's answer for Julie
36:36 - Amy’s ? about the negative chain reaction since her divorce
38:50 - Marie's answer for Amy
40:32 - Dakota’s ? about suicide and coping with her partner’s passing
43:20 - Marie's answer for Dakota
49:29 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #joy #Svadhisthana #sacralchakra #chakras #auricfield #suddendeathoflovedone #secondchancemarriage #findingrelationships #osteoporosis #soulscalling #multisensoryexperiences #bodypain #migraines #suicide
Marie talks about energy medicine and how you can use it even if you’ve never taken a class before. She also does energy readings and answers listeners’ questions about attached entities, creating more wealth and abundance, switching careers, issues with authentic relationships, type 1 diabetes, tachycardia and high blood pressure, and life purpose.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- How to Heal the Body's Organs with Light & Intuition (Free Shift Network Event)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides (started Oct 1)
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura (started Oct 2)
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
Video Timecodes:
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:40 - Energy medicine and how we can use it
06:55 - Q&A begins - Robert’s energy reading request and ? about attached entities
07:28 - Marie's answer for Robert
10:52 - Michaela’s ? about creating more wealth & abundance
11:45 - Marie's answer for Michaela
15:45 - Kerry’s ? about switch from school counselor to another career
16:25 - Marie's answer for Kerry
17:03 - Blossom’s ? about issues with authentic relationships with others
18:54 - Marie's answer for Blossom
23:51 - Kristi’s ? about the cause of type 1 diabetes
24:49 - Marie's answer for Kristi
28:11 - Zendra’s ? about cause of tachycardia in middle of night + increased blood pressure
31:10 - Marie's answer for Zendra
34:16 - Bhavna’s ? about guidance on life purpose and career choice
35:28 - Marie's answer for Bhavna
37:15 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #chakras #creatingwealth #abundance #choosingcareer #authenticrelationships #type1diabetes #tachycardia #highbloodpressure #perimenopause #menopause #lifepurpose
Marie talks about how self-love changes us and our lives. She also answers questions about whether one is an old or young soul, navigating family dynamics, career direction, an 8 year old daughter’s cancer, altered states experiences as a child, misaligned lower chakras after releasing childhood traumas, and more.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:38 - How self-love changes us
13:31 - Q&A begins - Marita’s ? about whether she’s an old soul or young soul
14:18 - Marie's answer for Marita
16:20 - Elle’s ? about navigating her mother’s family energy dynamic
19:20 - Marie's answer for Elle
22:13 - Meisha’s ? about direction for her career
24:06 - Marie's answer for Meisha
25:32 - Kerry’s ? about what to do for a career
26:12 - Marie's answer for Kerry
27:13 - Jennifer’s ? about her 8-year old daughter’s cancer
29:27 - Marie's answer for Jennifer
33:42 - Andrea’s ? about why her body is growing nodules, fibromas and cancers
34:28 - Marie's answer for Andrea
36:55 - Ella’s ? about altered states experienced as a child
39:55 - Marie's answer for Ella
42:49 - John's ? about misaligned lower chakras after releasing childhood traumas
43:43 - Marie's answer for John
45:27 - Cheryl's ? about seeing several moonbows recently
46:06 - Marie's answer for Cheryl
50:01 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #selflove #oldsoul #youngsoul #familydynamics #choosingcareer #childcancers #nodules #fibromas #cancer #alteredstates #alteredstatesofconsciousness #chakras #childhoodtrauma #moonbows
Marie talks about trusting and creating moments for intuition. During Q&A she answers listener questions regarding a husband’s premonitory belief in his early death, how Marie reads caller’s energies, body pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis, finding direction after retirement, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, a lost energetic connection with daughter and unblocking multi-sensory abilities.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:37 - Trusting and creating moments for intuition
10:39 - Q&A begins - Ro’s ? about husband’s premonitory belief in his early death
12:46 - Marie's answer for Ro
17:01 - Jenny’s ? about finding a focus her healing business
18:10 - Marie's answer for Jenny
20:30 - Lauren’s ? about how Marie reads caller’s energies & request for an energy reading
21:28 - Marie's answer for Lauren
24:14 - Susan’s ? about body pain from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis
25:43 - Marie's answer for Susan
28:06 - Victoria’s request for relationship guidance
29:13 - Marie's answer for Victoria
33:29 - Sue’s ? about finding direction after retirement
34:03 - Marie's answer for Sue
35:52 - Kendall’s ? about miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy
37:37 - Marie's answer for Kendall
40:38 - Kristin’s ? about a lost energetic connection with her daughter after her son’s birth
42:42 - Marie's answer for Kristin
44:22 - Irma’s ? about unblocking intuition & finding direction for work
46:49 - Marie's answer for Irma
48:47 - Sign off and Goodbye
#intuitiveenergyhealing #energymedicine #energyhealing #spirituality #intuition #mariemanuchehri #fear #ego #logic #premonition #earlydeath #healingbusiness #energyreading #bodypain #fibromyalgia #osteoarthritis #serrapeptase #relationshipguidance #retirement #findingdirection #miscarriage #ectopicpregnancy #daughter #lostconnection #unblockingintuition
Marie talks about letting go as we move into the solar eclipse on October 2nd so that we can manifest. She then does energetic readings and answers listener questions about recurring toxic work relationships, communicating with a departed dog, restlessness with work, releasing blockages in the abdominal area, bad memories from childhood, liver issues, and unlearning misogynist beliefs from Evangelical dogma.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
00:00 - Welcome and Intro
00:57 - Letting go as we move into the solar eclipse so we can manifest
12:16 - Q&A begins - Janneane's ? about recurring toxic work relationships
13:58 - Marie's answer for Janneane
20:32 - Lacey’s request for an energy reading
21:20 - Marie's answer for Lacey
24:16 - Chanelle’s ? about communicating with her departed dog
25:21 - Marie's answer for Chanelle’s
30:28 - Rachel’s ? about boredom and restlessness with work & energy reading request
32:09 - Marie's answer for Rachel
36:31 - Sue’s ? about what’s next
36:38 - Marie's answer for Sue
37:02 - Stacey’s ? about her recent abdominal surgeries & releasing blockages in that area
39:39 - Marie's answer for Stacey
42:04 - Irina’s ? about bad memories from childhood
42:25 - Marie's answer for Irina
43:42 - Jo’s ? about the cause of her liver health issue
44:54 - Marie's answer for Jo
47:29 - Charisa’s ? about unlearning beliefs from her Evangelical upbringing and how it’s affecting her marriage
48:59 - Marie's answer for Charisa
54:20 - Sign off and Goodbye
Marie touches on the lunar eclipse once again and how it could potentially benefit people who are old soul types. She then answers listener questions about nerve pain, mitral valve prolapse, unjustified jealousy, the best place to move, and attracting supernatural experiences. She also does a mediumship reading for someone whose spouse passed.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
Marie talks about eclipse energy and how the upcoming lunar eclipse in Pisces could affect us. She also answers questions about overcoming chronic pain, identifying clairs, seeing geometric shapes at night, past life regression sessions, whether depression/anxiety medications prevent one from being their authentic self, high vibrational energy and navigating PMDD, and dealing with a child who has urination/bowel issues.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
Marie talks about Consciousness. She also does energy readings and answers questions about memory loss, seeing apparitions of loved ones and orbs, intuitive children dealing with foreboding feelings and migraines, fear of intimacy and sex, C. Diff infections, keeping negative energy out when you open up for positive energy, and new and old soul relationships.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
Marie talks about changing perceptions through joy so one can manifest their desires. She then answers listener questions about connecting with your spirit guides, making career changes, hair loss, guardian angels, the reason behind a spiritual awakening, finding one’s joy and incorporating spiritual gifts into a career.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
- Advanced Healing Methods Using Light & Intuition (Shift Network 20-wk course)
- Come Meet Your Spirit Guides
- Dance of the Chakras & the Aura
- Mediumship Coaching
- Psychic Coaching
- The Joyful Intuitive Method in Ireland
Marie talks about how our energy system changes as we change the way we think and how this internal change could cause discomfort in others around us. She also answers listener questions about finding a soulmate, healing a fractured back, reincarnation, and many other topics.
Interested in receiving guidance from Marie? Visit her podcast page and record a question that will be answered in an upcoming podcast episode.
The podcast currently has 878 episodes available.
1,800 Listeners
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20 Listeners
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