In this episode of the Morning Coffee Marketer, Kim talks but how she created her business using direct response social media marketing, and now does 6 figures in revenue with a once a week webinar. Kim shares a program teaching you how to do this as well.
Key Takeaways
0:20 - Kim ask if you want to drive new clients into your business, pay for your marketing, and increase your revenue without spending more time.
0:40 - Kim is the author of the “No BS Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing”, and Kim is responsible for a billion dollars generated online.
1:00 - Kim talks about how she increase the revenues with her own company. Which was not working more hours, or hiring more people, but finding another way.
1:40 - Kim talks about “finding another way,” which was driving leads through social media (Facebook). She thought maybe I could teach people how to do this via webinar, or buy the program Kim is going to create.
2:00 - Kim talks about how this idea paid for marketing, as those who want to work with her as a client would help with the revenue.
2:20 - Kim talks about her first program with was FB Profit Power. Kim shares that this generates in the beginning 3-5k a month, which covered operation cost. Kim talks about selling the agency and had a nice exit with the company.
3:00 - Kim shares that this was attractive because they were able to bring clients in through webinars.
3:30 - Kim talks about her current business and a specific webinar she runs once a week today. This generates over 6 figures a month. Kim talks about the kinds of things she and her company had to do to be able to generate 6 figures.
4:00 - Kim talks about traveling all the time, but she has to dial in once a week, working 2 hours to do the webinar, and generate a 6 figure revenue.
4:30 - Kim says that if you want to learn more about how she did this and learn to do it for yourself you can learn at powerful
Mention in the Episode
“No BS Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing”