Are you allowing yourself to dream big? Not only that but are you also allowing yourself to step out of your fear and into your faith? You know what! if you’re passionate about something and if you feel called to that ‘thing’, you need to dig deep and follow that calling.
By stepping out of fear and into faith, you don’t know what’s going to happen and that’s the exciting part because amazing things can happen exactly from that action. Now, if we stay in our comfort zone, nothing good comes from that. You just stay in this space where you’re not moving forward but rather you’re stagnating. I know that this is not what you want.
In this episode, I interview Gianna Lucas. Gianna talks about stepping outside your comfort zone and just believing in your vision. She went straight into her business without really knowing 100% all of the steps that it’s going to take to build her business, but she is doing so well, speaking at many events and workshops. I’m honoured to have interviewed Gianna and I know that this episode will give you that courage and pick me up you need to truly step into your faith and take action towards your dreams.
Let's dive in and meet Gianna Lucas.
Connect with Gianna:
Instagram: @Giannalucas_