In one way or another, we all can relate to the word ‘failure.” And let’s face it, more swimmers leave Olympic trials disappointed, angry and wanting more.
Whether it is a failed repetition in the weight room, or the body failing towards the end of the 20x100’s, we fail.
You may or may not have heard the phrase, “fail your way in to amazing things.” So, the issue is not necessarily that we fail, but the way we handle perceived failure.
Where does fear come from?
What are strategies we can use to bounce back with confidence?
In this episode, I share stories of my own failures and successes and tips that may help you during a challenging time.
And please, if I may ask you one more thing - if The Swimmer Strength Podcast has brought you any value whatsoever, please take a moment of your time to rate it on the iTunes app, I’d greatly appreciate it. And if you don’t have to use iTunes, if you would tell a friend or two about the podcast, it would also go a long way.
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
- Paulo Coelho
Thank you, Swimmer Strength community!
Recovery Clinic in Mesa AZ, June 26th:
Foundations of Strength Training for Swimmers:
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