I'm attending my company's annual convention and later today they will launch some amazing, LIFE-CHANGING products!
The company is Young Living Essential Oils. Young Living is a way of life – a journey toward a better place.
I’d love for you to choose to walk that journey with me. I’ll teach you why your health depends upon the choices you make, about the things you eat, the things you use to clean your home, the things you put onto your body like shampoo, lotions, creams, even your toothpaste. I read an article just this morning about the fact an ingredient found in most popular toothpastes could be causing irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and other digestive illnesses.
I want to help you live a better, healthier life. Are you ready?
Follow us on FB. Our page is Thyme for You – Sharon and Bill Rhodes. We also have a Facebook group called ABUNDANCE THINKERS and we're on Instagram as thyme4younow.
On our website, thyme4you.net , click on Learn About Essential Oils and subscribe to our free newsletter and the class that we'll send to your inbox.
Be sure to catch my next podcast about all the new, life-changing products!