Ginger Healy, MSW, LCSW, is a clinical social worker. She has worked as a child abuse investigator, hospital social worker, social service supervisor at an international adoption agency, and school therapist. She is currently the director of programs for the Attachment & Trauma Network. She co-anchors the podcast "Regulated and Relational" and speaks nationwide on trauma-informed schools, therapeutic parenting, and community engagement. Ginger is the author of Regulation and Co-Regulation: Accessible Neuroscience that Brings Calm into the Classroom, and her newest book is a companion workbook to the first called Regulation and Co-Regulation Accessible Neuroscience and Connection Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond. This workbook dives deeper with a chapter for parents, a chapter for building communities, a chapter on nurturing neurodivergence, and more. It is rich with ready-to-implement strategies, reflections, prompts, scripts, and activities to help students reach optimal performance by healing nervous systems in the classroom and beyond.
This podcast episode will discuss her new book and the upcoming Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference.