Boozhoo! Ayukîi! Héehe! Hau! Hey everyone! We are so excited to share another episode of The Indigenous Foundation's podcast, Unrooted. In today's episode, our podcast hosts Chloe, Katie, and Kasey will be diving into the topic of Indigenous representation in universities across Turtle Island, as well as their experience as Native students when it comes to the admission process and university experience. Katie is a citizen of the Potawatomi Nation and a rising sophomore college student; Chloe is a part-indigenous senior in high school; and Kasey is a member of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation in Ontario and currently finishing up college. Our hosts will be talking about various topics when it comes to university representation of Native students, including land acknowledgments in universities and the discrimination Indigenous students face when it comes to affirmative action.
Links & Resources:
American Indian College Fund:
College Horizons:
Cobell Scholarship:
Read "A Third University is Possible" for free online:
Dear Native College Student: