A Vedic Wicca Ritual and Spell with Sanskrit Mantra Chants for the Goddess -Mother Nature, Mahamaya. In Wicca, they call it a spell, in the Vedic realm we call it a ritual. You will run how to invoke a goddess, make offerings, and help to break a bad habit. This is a spiritual practice- please bathe and be clean. in addition, try to do this ritual in a clean environment on the auspicious time of Navaratri, Ashtami (eighth day) to the Full Moon. If you want to learn how to make a ghee candle for this spell, here is the video link of YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iotEcoNNTU. I am available to do a divination appointment, or do a spell for you. The cost is by donation for basic rituals.