This week's astrology provides opportunities to contemplate many possibilities and potentials as well as intentionally direct your mind-body-heart in directions that support your vitality. This week's astrology includes:
- Sun moves into Pisces: conscious focus on the experiential vs. the literal, connecting with ideals, dreams, imagination, creativity, and bending reality
- Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: releasing ideals or beliefs that no longer make sense for you, finding your path forward by reprioritizing, or letting go while redirecting your focus, releasing mental/emotional/psychic clutter
- Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini: zooming in & zooming out, contemplating life from many perspectives, considering many options, seeing the forrest as well as the trees. thinking, brainstorming, & communicating in ways that are somewhat a-typical for you
- Mercury in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer: your words are energizing, your words have power & enthusiasm (!), communicating, thinking, or divining with fierceness. also: possibly communicating or contemplating agitations or boundaries, becoming more mentally clear on your actions or your boundaries
- Mars Stations Direct in Cancer: completing the introspective retrograde process around archetypal themes in your life involving: feeling energized, excited, amped up, frustrated, angry, irked, and your experience of confidence, boundaries (internal or external), how/when you say no, protection, advocacy, physical activity, and body movement
Wishing you a vitalizing week ahead 🦋
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