Welcome to the Wellness FOURplay Podcast, with Dr. Dondee Nettles.
This is Episode 62: FOUR Minute Drill: The Shortcomings of Dr. Google!
1. Improper, Incomplete or Wrong Diagnosis – Self diagnosis based on symptoms alone can be risky .
2. Too much, confusing or conflicting information – Can delay necessary care or allow worsening.
3. MAYBE IT WILL GO AWAY – The five MOST DANGEROUS words on your health journey.
4. Use Scholar.Google.com, Mercola.com, FamilyDoctor.com, WebMD.com, MayoClinic.com, Healthline.com
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Dr. Dondee Nettles – Wellness Expert https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWdpjNtdxKO1anryzR4TFNA
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Our goal is make Wellness easy to understand, easy to implement in your life and easy for you and your family to benefit from, in just a few minutes a day!
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