Overland Weekly

Wes Erickson @blackhillsbuilds | Ep. 10

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Join us on a thrilling journey with Wes Erickson from Black Hills Builds, as we explore the world of off-roading and overlanding. From his Tacoma to his '80s Land Cruiser, Wes showcases the evolution of his builds and the incredible adventures they've embarked on. Delve into the stories behind the modifications, trail experiences, and the unwavering passion that propels Wes to explore the great outdoors.

In this captivating recap, we delve into the fascinating world of custom vehicle builds and overlanding adventures with Black Hills Builds. Discover insights into collaborations with top brands like C4 FAB and Dissent, the authenticity and transparency within the influencer community, and the evolution of Black Hills Builds from documenting the Tacoma build to engaging with the overland community.

Additionally, Wes shares valuable insights into the digital advertising industry in an engaging interview. Gain knowledge about the evolving landscape of online marketing, the significance of genuine content, and the services offered by Adventure Driven Media Co. Dive into the balancing act between technical optimization and creative design on websites and learn how Wes caters to clients of all sizes, prioritizing client success.

Lastly, don't miss out on the fun and informative podcast episode where Wes discusses clever minivan hacks for dads, tool preferences, and off-road adventures. 

Subscribe now to stay updated on all future episodes and gain valuable insights into vehicle builds, overlanding, off-roading, and entertaining stories filled with practical tips. Stay tuned for more exciting content packed with inspiration for your own off-road adventures. 🚗🔧🎙️

[00:00:00]: Introduction

[00:03:24]: Guest Introduction

[00:06:39]: Journey with the Tacoma

[00:12:50]: Transition to the Land Cruiser

[00:16:59]: Upgrading the Land Cruiser

[00:20:13]: Three Link Suspension Upgrade

[00:22:43]: Rear Bumper Upgrade

[00:23:58]: Clearancing for 39-inch Tires

[00:25:23]: Transition to Trailering

[00:26:58]: Introduction of the Nissan Frontier

[00:28:54]: Working with Bosch head units

[00:30:12]: Transition in truck sizes

[00:30:46]: Exploring the F features

[00:31:52]: Ford F issues and decisions

[00:32:49]: Troubleshooting Ford truck problems

[00:33:36]: Deciding to move on from Ford

[00:34:19]: Transition to a new truck

[00:36:20]: Upgrading suspension for towing

[00:41:50]: Fun moments with Ollie roasting rigs

[00:48:02]: Reflecting on the Black Hills builds journey

[00:59:19]: Introduction

[01:00:03]: Evolution of Product Placement in Media

[01:00:43]: Overview of Adventure Driven Media Co.

[01:01:33]: Primary Services Offered

[01:02:17]: Adding Value Through Technical Expertise

[01:03:06]: Customized Approach for Each Client

[01:04:51]: Transition to Full-Time Venture

[01:05:42]: Expanding Client Base

[01:08:03]: Managing Unexpected Challenges

[01:09:25]: Importance of Client-Centric Approach

[01:29:03]: Minivan Hack for Dads

[01:30:19]: All-Wheel Drive and Hybrid Cars

[01:31:31]: Synthetic Oil Discussion

[01:31:59]: Tool Preference: DeWalt vs. Milwaukee

[01:33:08]: Loyalty to Tool Brands

[01:33:50]: Off-Roading in Australia

[01:34:45]: Dislike for Mud Wheeling

[01:35:13]: Cleaning After Off-Roading

[01:36:27]: Water Pressure Washer Dilemma

[01:37:12]: Journey to Entrepreneurship

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