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I’m Florence.Two years ago I started my functional fitness journey with a CrossFit membership. Since then I’ve tried so many things to help improve my performance and learnt at lot, often the hard wa... more
FAQs about WOD BAE Podcast:How many episodes does WOD BAE Podcast have?The podcast currently has 28 episodes available.
June 07, 2021Niche vs. MainstreamDo CrossFitters want their hobby to be more mainstream, or is there something in the fact that it is so niche that makes it so appealing? We also discuss our experience of health education when we were at school....more1h 16minPlay
May 10, 2021Why CrossFit sucksDon't get me wrong, I love CrossFit, hopefully that's obvious! However, sometimes, it sucks. In this episode I talk with my regular co-host Paul about how it might not be ideal if you have specific aesthetic or fitness goals; the problem of finding the right intensity during classes so as not to sacrifice the next few days training; the problems of not knowing what the workout is going to be in advance; when the programming is not for mere mortals; the struggles we have with scaling; common injuries; how expensive it can be; and when your workout buddies decide to quit CrossFit....more59minPlay
April 24, 2021CrossFit CouplesThose that train together stay together...sometimes. A surprisingly large amount couples CrossFit together and many singletons find love at the box. This week Flo and Paul discuss their experiences wodding as a couple and also answer a question sent in from a listener who is struggling with their pull ups. This episode was recorded on Valentine's Day 2021 as a Twitch livestream....more1hPlay
April 16, 2021Constantly VariedOne of the CrossFit fundamentals is constantly varied training, but what does this mean, and why is it so important and effective? Routine is the enemy, the beauty is in the movements and the art is in the programming!...more1h 15minPlay
April 10, 2021GymnasticsIn this episode Flo and Paul discuss the third level of the CrossFit pyramid of fitness: gymnastics....more1h 11minPlay
March 27, 2021Metabolic ConditioningThis week's episode recorded as a twitch livestream focusses on metabolic conditioning, the second level on the CrossFit pyramid of fitness. Paul joins Flo once again to Cho-host and provides listeners with a first-hand account of what it's like to have an MRI scan....more1h 15minPlay
March 19, 2021RX'ing workoutsIn this week's episode Flo is joined by Paul and together they discuss what RX'ing workouts involves....more56minPlay
March 12, 2021CrossFit At Home With Gym BungerzMorgan Bungerz started the first virtual-only CrossFit affiliate in October 2020 and he gets to honour his father's passing every single day with the work that he is doing....more1hPlay
March 01, 2021Strength TrainingThis week Paul cohosts another episode with me on the importance of strength training and who should be regularly strength training. We discuss weightlifting - which is the second level of the CrossFit pyramid of fitness - as well as bodyweight movements, functional body building and kettlebell training....more1h 13minPlay
February 13, 2021CrossFit Pyramid - NutritionThis week I am joined once again by my co-host Paul and we respond to a nutrition-based question sent in by a listener. Nutrition is the first and most important level of the CrossFit pyramid. The pyramid is a diagram that illustrates the theoretical hierarchy for the development of an athlete. This episode was recorded as a Twitch livestream in December 2020 so we can be heard responding to viewers interacting in the chat bar....more1h 15minPlay
FAQs about WOD BAE Podcast:How many episodes does WOD BAE Podcast have?The podcast currently has 28 episodes available.