You just got an offer for a wonderful new job. There's just one catch. You have to say good-by to your current employer.
Maybe you loved your job and you face an emotional farewell. Or you maybe you hated every minute and you’ve been counting the days till you could walk out the door one last time.
People often admit they’re nervous about making the departure announcement. They’re afraid the boss will be angry. They feel guilty about the work they’re leaving behind. Maybe someone else has to take up the slack for a while.
There are some ways to move to your next position with integrity.
1. Give the correct amount of notice required by your company’s written policy.
2. After you leave, do not accept any job-related calls from your company unless you have a written contract.
3. Study your current and future company policies regarding disclosures and no-compete agreements.
4. Resign to your boss in person, if at all possible.
5. Expect your boss to be professional.
6. Thank your boss and your coworkers, even if you hate them all and can’t wait to leave.
7. Don’t close the door all the way.
8. Treat the exit interview as a business formality, not a therapy session.
9. Resist efforts to share the details of your future position with anyone.
10. Focus on your new opportunity – not your past experience.