You’ve all heard the expression all work and no play makes Jack (or Julia) a dull sport. The same is true with MBA applications. Simply having an amazing set of professional accomplishments is not enough to get you into a top MBA program. Setting aside scores and academic achievements for another podcast, this podcast will dive into five different aspects of your life you might explore applications, including a few you probably have not previously considered. Question: Why are we talking about this? And why do business schools even ask you to write essays in the first place? Answer: These schools are interested in much MORE than your test scores, academic transcript, and professional accomplishments. More than almost anything else these schools are interested in learning what lessons you have learned about yourself and your leadership style, and—critically—how you will harness those learnings in order to drive impact in the world. Listening to this podcast is a must for anyone who wants to: Present a full and complete picture of them to the admissions office, Stand out from the crowd by sharing unique and attention-grabbing stories and examples, and/or Identify memorable and authentic ways to share what makes YOU tick, how YOU think, how YOU have grown and changed over the years, and (very importantly) what lessons you have learned about yourself along the way. This B-Schooled episode can be found here, or take a listen on any of the major podcast platforms below.